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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Swoosh isn't town and probably the cult and I've already claimed my alignment over and over and over
  2. Now @swoosh you aren't Isaac aligned according to Mr. Sky...what is your alignment
  3. Still need me to claim, probably shouldn't, then again Saturday is the Gators and 2 Jays games so I probably should Either way thanks for thinking im scum and that I made up the dream invest, your continued support is greatly appreciated
  4. Assume I'm mimicking a players posting...guess who it would be
  5. Wait what, must have mixed up avatars again. I'll correct that Oops my bad I typed too fast. Happens when I try to dupe you all I to believing as many lies as I can post Let me correct that So I think it was Josh isnt Isaac Aligned so Town Swoosh Jason Raves Scum Malf Josh Swag I'll just change this all again in 5 min but got to post somethin I guess
  6. So Swoosh says Josh is Isaac Aligned Thats probably good enough for me My top 3 scum are Swoosh Mwil Jason Got to vote one of them today Top town are Josh Swag Bucs
  7. I just confused your avatars. Might want to get a distinct one 👍
  8. I'm pretty sure you did Question is, what game are you playing
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