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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. @Forge this issue with that play style is depending on the setup it could have basically made the game pointless. Like this game Daboyle was mafia not in the chat, you didnt show up and Mission and TLO had a good chance to not show up either. So for the entirety of the game @Daniel would have been alone and no coordination in moves etc. It may be better for you, but hurts the entire setup and multiple players as a consequence. I felt really bad for Daniel, cause if you were in the chat, you might have pulled out a win a while ago. Maybe not, but playing that way causes too much issues for everyone else imo. Think of it like the issue people have had with my past playstyle/aggressiveness. Apparently it was disliked enough i had to evolve, I think the not reading PMs or joining chats may be in a similar category where it needs to change for everyone to enjoy the game and setups to have meaning
  2. I won't be allowing this in future games...but it was fun this game lol
  3. Roles and awards to come tomorrow Thanks everyone for playing!
  4. The group rounded up the last German official. The coup had succeed, they had control of Germany. The only thing they needed confirmation from was what happened to Hitler at the Wolf's Lair. Word finally came trickling in. Hitler had survived the blast, but was crippled. He was hiding out in a bunker somewhere. Upon hearing of the coup, Hitler couldn't stand to face the outcome, so he took the cowards way out. He put a pistol in his mouth and pulled the trigger. @Daniel is dead. He was Adolf Hitler: The Führer of Germany, German Fuhrer Aligned The German Resistance Aligned has been victorious!!! Game Over
  5. Vote Count 4 Daniel- [Pickle], [Counselor], [BBB], [Blue] @Daniel is the lynch Moves will be due at 11:45 PM EST
  6. It is now D8. Night 8 will be at 10 PM EST Saturday. You may lock votes now. Majority will result in a lynch @Pickle Rick @rackcs @Counselor @Daniel @bigbadbuff @Blue
  7. The group was getting a little scared now, how much more until the Operation is completed. They were now just finding anyone they could and rounding them up. Not sure any of them expected to get this far. The group set their sights on a man hiding in an office. They took the man outside. As they were, a man darted away from the group. An astute member turned and shoots him dead. @Forge is dead. He was Dr. Joseph Goebbels, German Fuhrer Aligned
  8. Night! @Forge will be the lynch. Moves due at 10:45 PM EST
  9. Vote Count: 1 No Lynch- Daniel 2 Pickle- Forge, Blue 3 Forge- Pickle, Racks, BBB 1 Daniel- Counselor
  10. Vote Count: 1 No Lynch- Daniel 2 Pickle- Forge, Blue 3 Forge- Pickle, Racks, BBB
  11. Vote Count: 1 No Lynch- Daniel 3 Pickle- Forge, Blue, BBB 2 Forge- Pickle, Racks
  12. Vote Count: 1 No Lynch- Daniel 1 Pickle- Forge 2 Forge- Pickle, Racks
  13. 1 No Lynch- Daniel 1 Pickle- Forge 3 Forge- Pickle, Racks, Blue
  14. A German Resistance Soldier couldn't handle the pressure as the group continued their mission @SwAg is dead. He was German Resistance Soldier-Code Breaker, German Resistance Aligned
  15. The group started another day of rounding up of high ranking Germans supportive of Hitler. As they started the day they saw a man stabbed threw the heart and implanted on a door. Gruesome to say the least @Glen is dead. He was German Resistance Soldier, German Resistance Aligned
  16. The group started into a building to grab a German officer. On the way out, the group noticed a new person tagging along. They couldn't chance it, its victory or death now in this stage of the coup. The group turned and fired bullet after bullet. After the smoke cleared somone looked close at the body, jaws dropped... @JoshstraDaymus is dead. He was Margarethe von Oven, German Resistance Aligned
  17. Night! @JoshstraDaymus is the lynch Moves due at 10:45PM EST
  18. Vote Count 5 Josh- BBB, Racks, Swag, Pickle, Josh 1 Counselor- Glen 1 No Lynch- Daniel 1 Glen- Counselor
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