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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Whats reasonable? What can be done so people stop crying about cheating and colluding that clearly has never taken place or will ever take place
  2. Its not a joke, not with everything over the years. Please stop. Its tiresome and will always be met with what has been seen
  3. Which will always be met with what has been seen. Don't want to hear the reply don't make the post
  4. Oh no eveidence lol. Pickle played bad and Swag played worse and Blue was LVP. Nothing is wrong with those statements at all lol
  5. Yes. Its straight up antagonistic. Stop making posts like this and when adding to you and Blue last game saying we cheated when we did not @TheKillerNacho can confirm once again if you need real info lol...you started it this game
  6. Not gonna sit back and let people lie and make stuff up just to whine
  7. I can see that and there was a reason he was sent the same PM Blue, Jason, and Swag got. If you go back and read you should be able to acknowledge that the posts you disliked were mostly in retaliation to Swag and Blue posts or mimicking them. Not right, but to obsolve Blue and Swag makes you part of the problem
  8. get out if you don't want to acknowledge what has been said. You are embarrassing yourself by not understanding what has been said
  9. no they have not. You don't even know what we are saying. Stay out or quit being a follower and ask what you want to know Ouch, must suck to be like Swag and not read
  10. @rackcs before trying to back up your buddy Swag without having a complete grasp on what has been said, what is being insinuated, what is true over the course lf the game, what was said to who, i hope you got a complete picture by reading everything and asking questions, which I highly doubt you did. So it appears to be a confirmation of hive mind following Swags make believe points What is being agreed with, whats the question posed, where is the evidence to support the thinking. You are following legit fake points and reasoning. Quit acting like that and do your own info gathering No one has disputed Blue and Swag being LVP. No one has disputed Pickle playing bad, more than just me have had the opinion that Blue played worse than Pickle. So whats wrong with having that opinion when its the consensus...just because Swag has to cry you backed him...oops
  11. That isnt the consensus, and i am right here with evidence to back it, but stick to thinking hive mind applies to all and acknowledging bad play but not the worst play equates to the make believe you all are spewing
  12. Yes, not to the degree of either, but not far off...for the reasons I have stated using detailed reasoning
  13. And if you think distraction is referring to making the thread volatile this may be even more of a lost cause
  14. If that's the level of your reading comprehension there is no point in continuing this discussion
  15. What thread actions, if you are referring to why you got told to take it down a notch...you, Blue, Jason, and Pickle got the same message and an independent 3rd party correctly guessed who the offending parties were. Quit being a baby and being antagonistic
  16. Did swag tell you to post without reading cause literally none of this applies to what's being discussed
  17. What's predictable, that being able to solve what you couldnt propells Pickle to slightky above HM LVP...you are washed up spewing the same outdated material lol
  18. I'm playing by my Orca rules now 1. No giving reasons for votes unless I feel like it 2. Claiming D1 3. Not reading 50% of the posts 4. If I have a kill, I'm killing ET N1 until the end, even if he isnt in the game 🤣
  19. maybe, but I did not. I saw it as survival only. If he wants to draw a hit he can make it pretty clear from the beginning. He did not. And when pickle claimed he continued it for like 3 days trying to get pickle lynched...which he knew pickle was town and the protector
  20. There is no valid criticism you are making. You are spreading lies to throw shade at pickle and my awards I have criticized Pickles moves though I understand it, his being incorrect on you though i showed how its 100% a valid read, and how his reasoning of Forge not being the vig had presentation flaws. This does not take away his reads on the setup, the characters, why forge was scum way before anyone else and how he finally got others to come around cause I'm betting no one knew who Forge claimed other than Pickle at first Either way you look at it. You and Blue were hands down LVP. Everyone else had their flaws, some more than others....except Dome
  21. Swag: lets distract from my LVP performance by making stuff up
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