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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Vote Count 4 Josh- BBB, Racks, Swag, Pickle 1 Swag- Josh 1 Counselor- Glen 1 No Lynch- Daniel
  2. There was 1 group with everyone together now and they kept on making it down the line of their targets. One by one everthing seemed to be falling into place. The group started the next day rather optimistic, but it was short lived. They found a man quartered in the street. Such an ugly sight. They group powered on by the man, steadfast in their mission @Dome is dead. He was Wolf-Heinrich Graf von Helldorf, German Resistance Aligned The group received news. The headline said "LYNCH SWAG TODAY" Its is now D6. Night 6 will be at 10:00 PM EST Thursday
  3. The group rounding up the top military men noticed something strange. A man was dressed like them, but didn't know what he was doing, so strange for this stage of the operation. Taking nothing to chance now, the group unloads a barrage of bullets on man. @TLO is dead. He was General Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, German Fuhrer Aligned
  4. Night @TLO will be the lynch You have until 10:45 PM EST to submit moves
  5. Vote Count: 9 TLO- Glen, Dome, Blue, Swag, Forge, Racks, Josh, Daniel, BBB 1 Forge- Pickle 2 Glen- TLO, Counselor 14 min until night
  6. Vote Count: 8 TLO- Glen, Dome, Blue, Swag, BBB, Forge, Racks, Daniel 1 Swag- Pickle 2 Glen- TLO, Counselor A little over an hour until night
  7. Vote Count: 7 TLO- Glen, Dome, Blue, Swag, BBB, Forge, Racks 1 Swag- Pickle 1 No Lynch- Daniel 2 Glen- TLO, Counselor
  8. Vote Count: 6 TLO- Glen, Dome, Blue, Swag, BBB, Forge 2 Swag- Racks, Pickle 1 No Lynch- Daniel 1 Glen- TLO
  9. *Non game related* Twitter is down the street and to the left
  10. The group continued executing Operation Valkyrie, it was ths only thing on their minds. As a new day rose there was a man hanging from a street sign with his stomach sliced open and his intestines strewn about. @Matts4313 is dead. He was Major Otto Ernst Remer, GrossDeutschland Guard Battalion Aligned It is now D5. N5 will be at 10 PM EST Wednesday
  11. Operation Valkyrie was in full effect. Both groups continued executing their missions. One by one things started falling into place. One of the groups grabbed what looked like a high ranking officer. Instead of sticking to the plan, they wanted vengeance for their lost brothers in arms. They strung the man up and gave him the option, a pistol or the gallows. The man just started to laugh. Bang! A large explosion and smoke filled the air. The group looks back and all they hear is "Not today" @Daniel is alive
  12. Night! @Daniel will be the lynch Moves due at 10:45 PM EST, writeup incoming
  13. Vote Count: Check for accuracy 1 Counselor- Glen 10 Daniel- Dome, Racks, Blue, Matts, Pickle, TLO, BBN, Forge, Counselor, Josh 2 Matts- Swag, Daniel
  14. I like a Nope! theme better, but I guess I'll give a Yep! theme a shot
  15. Vote Count: Check for accuracy 1 Counselor- Glen 9 Daniel- Dome, Racks, Blue, Matts, Pickle, TLO, BBN, Forge, Counselor 2 Matts- Swag, Daniel
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