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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Im thinking this is a game where that may not be true
  2. Im guessing most of mafia started the game with no moves and when town dies (See Squire for example and possibly Malf), they receive moves Hobo I'm really high on as a scum based on his posts and difference between last game, coupled with him saying he has no night move Without knowing what Counselor/Racks is...I'd say they are scum given the town vig is dead and they have the ability to kill MD4L hasnt done a thing Matts is suspect due to the the jail and my thinking of the game stated above
  3. Mwil ended up claiming Autopsy, which gave him the role and info from that person I guess based on the PMs he posted
  4. This was hard finding having Mwil on ignore lol The top one has the PM quotes if you click it
  5. But you still posted and had critical thoughts and didnt follow at every vote...
  6. You still have this false belief that you know your meta lol Also what's the bottom part to, Mwils question of me...I wont answer that or anyone if I dont believe they are town or lying
  7. The cheating thing hurts cause it isn't true and slight biases since forth may have influenced the brain a little...but Im telling you I never tried to get you lynched or killed just to do it. It was cause i actually thought you were scum (Swag to in that stretch). Believe me or not. It's a game and I play the game and to win. I think the only 1 time I got someone lynched just to get rid of them and that was Touch cause he keeps sayin he has never been lynched D1 ever. He wasnt posting so it was worth it just to do it lol I'll drop it, but it's not the same and that's why I have the problem and in your heart you know it
  8. I also dont care if he thinks I'm scum...legit thinks it and some up with a reason even as weird as the above. Have at it. Part of the game 100%. Is it irritating sure...but totally fair game. Again he isnt doing that
  9. Not the same thing. I legit believed those and some were accurate. Mwil doesnt think I'm scum...he just wants me dead/out of the game. There is more to this than what has been posted/seen in thread. Dont believe me, believe me, I dont care. It's not the same and anyone with a brain can see it
  10. Petty back and forth is fine. Just dont go all Swag on someone
  11. Nope This has nothing to do with personal attacks and that has never happened with you so what make believe are you throwing down Nope. Not in the same universe. Again believing you are scum is different that just wanting you killed Explain how its similar...you cant. I like you and thought you were scum a lot. Same with Matts a while back. I used legit reasons why I thought that in pushing you...never made **** up and voted you 90% of every game just to get you killed or lynched even forgoing invests and info that clearly shows you were on my side
  12. Not in the same world Actually believing you are scum and making legit cases for it is completely different than what Mwil has been doing. Period, end of story
  13. Well you admitted it and dont have a long history to go along with it It happens. Nothing wrong with it. This is different with him though It's over and over, game after game
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