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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Let's speed round before Mega is awake, who down?
  2. @Dome you dont scare me, but if you want to come on over tonight, by all means. I'll be waiting
  3. Why am I not interested in your short list, Why weren't you interested in mine? Some really odd behavior from you
  4. Activity better pick up, I'm not doing this again with no activity like last game
  5. Let's get rolling on Racks... @Ragnarok @Pickle Rick @Tk3 @daboyle250 @squire12 @Whoever else is on Follow me
  6. Swags entrance seemed weird Racks seems to follow Swag regardless of alignment if he doesnt have time imo...when he is town This game he asks who we lynching, then votes Bcb in the last 30 min
  7. In between currently My gut is pinged more by Swag, Racks and these
  8. Well at least people are voting this game, right @swoosh
  9. Biggest thing was him stating its "regular Daboyle"...not "town Daboyle", just regular Daboyle. So he thinks or wants us to think he plays the same way regardless of alignment
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