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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. It wasnt faked just to lynch them and I was right the whole game Mwil didnt think I was scum, he has a vendetta with me and Pickle
  2. Look, I'm not giving anything to Mwil. I'm just not. Dude wants to fake results and have it out for me, there are consequences...if I dont trust he is town, he ain't getting squat
  3. Totally not helpful. Just like your fake bulletproof ploy
  4. 1. Why does no one ever take me seriously? 2. Wrong 3. Wrong
  5. Dont worry buddy. I will lead the charge of Swag's demise
  6. I'm going to Antarctica to ice fish. Catch you all next year...hopefully
  7. He did the same on Malf and has been totally opposite of his first game
  8. It's totally sketchy. I mean Bcb watching Swag is sketchy by itsself. Vote Hobo. Let's make this interesting
  9. 3 moves have been claimed on me D1. If the result was 1 or 2, someone lied
  10. Just curious Anyone find it odd that, Bcb watches Swag instead of claimed power roles? Maybe it worked out, but yeah that just seems out of place imo
  11. I'm assuming you mean that your results could have been tampered with in some way Comes off differently how you said it lol
  12. Depends on the host. I've had it as I can place it on anyone and it tells me the total times tripped, I've had it where it says going and coming amount. I've also seen it and I think had it in one of my games as a self use motion detector (similar to self watch) Seems like he has one of the first two versions if Daboyle is telling the truth I'm the new Malf/Swag. But better Seems like, you like copying me The wording here annoys me Let's do it, rather go Hobo though Never a plan, but always a direction Bcb probably could clear things up I think
  13. Why didnt you use yourself if you wanted a clear?
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