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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I always understood that. Partly cause I've done similar things in previous games
  2. I've never said anything wrong with how you played it...it was perfect for you and the rest of town having you be kept alive I'm just hoping you know, while in the game how it looked to me and why the hit happened
  3. Alright, everyone on this ship let's be friends and work together. I know I am just a girl, but can we get along and rid the ship of these killers
  4. I'd say maybe. Trying to be calmer and nicer has helped
  5. @Dome Can you ask Pickle nicely to give you 1 person he thinks is scum and dont do it in a fashion of holding a hit over his head literally and figuratively
  6. During the game given what I knew and how I was reading things...no...given what I knew after the game....yes
  7. Sadly I think this is part of the issue. Pickle has good reads most of the time, just because he has trouble getting people to follow or is abrasive when pushed/attacked for usually dumb or no reason shouldn't make this scenario different. He has helped create a conversation about some people right now and that's more than a LOT of people have done
  8. Dome and @theuntouchable let's talk about this This is basically me hitting Touch who claimed non town gov and threatened in game to help scum and I was crucified for hitting him and sticking up for said hit. This is extremely similar Let's not repeat here...let Pickle show where he stands before hitting him for claiming indy
  9. Tell you what, to get the ball rolling...name 1 person you think is scum and 1 who is town
  10. I'd say of the two, Bcb looks like clear scum given the vote and immediate move off Touch I'd say unknown, but given his posts as a whole I'd lean town
  11. For sure, that's why his play was so hilarious last game...it was clear he was scum or being failtown on purpose
  12. 1. I hope your move really isnt Strongman vig if you are town 2. If it really is, I hope you change it even though i know it's very likley not going to happen. Pickle will play for town if given the chance (if he is indy) and at this stage given the large game he can be of some use, maybe he has a move, maybe he doesnt, but I really feel it isnt the best use of a hit 3. I know he is claimed indy, but I think you are pushing/antagonizing him about reads a little too much. I think I can get him to open up if given the chance, but we all need to be nice and not all stabby stabby at this early stage of the game
  13. @Dome can I ask you to do me 1 favor? Or will it fall on deaf ears?
  14. Jodelle will gladly be the peacemaker here. I'd like to hear your thoughts
  15. @Dome kill Mwil and Jodelle will be happy and a happy Jodelle is a good thing for the ship
  16. Correct. Josh and Mwil finished last of those who participated, and Ted put himself and Touch up
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