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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. We both, did not call you names and cuss you out or whatever you are going on about At this time just let it go
  2. To answer this @Ragnarok you said you TWO
  3. Do you really not know what that was referring to?
  4. @theuntouchable this is what riles us up lol
  5. @Malfatron I'm in...will decide a character later tonight
  6. Im strongly suggesting we just drop this and he will. Being lynched like that is frustrating so it may take a few more days but in the meantime let's just move on
  7. Yes I'm serious, I want to be your friend
  8. We are stuck on exaggerations to drive home points..from Rags and to a lesser extent Pickle...let's move on and all be friends please. We can do this
  9. I explained...same thing as we don't agree Pickle named 20 or even 11 people as scum...and reads change. Swag moves people from color to color...same here
  10. Except here the reds were all scum correctly lol Look. Either way Pickle did good with reads given Swag's influence/fake red letter on D1. I'd say given that, anyone is allowed to boast 4/4 top reads, 4/7 as being lynched, 4/9 30 min before lynch. Can we at least give him that and start anew
  11. So when Swag makes a 25 player colored list and 20 players are red, orange, yellow he has 20 scum reads? You might want to talk to him about his Swag lists lol In between is not a scum read per say. Kind of like Swags yellow I believe. Just in between but working their way up...this game I'm assuming cause Swag still lynched him as did you
  12. Same thing you are doing Touch. You moving it one way and he the other
  13. I'm not seeing it. Seems like you are trying to perpetuate the naming a bunch of people in a list when clearly his reads before his lynch and what he sent to Bcb were the same. After the fact he wasnt trying to say the other list were his real one or something. Let it go cause the way you see it will never be how we see it apparently
  14. I strongly disagree. Reads at the end of the day matter. During g the day they change. We changed reads on Blue, Swag, Counselor, Rags 2 like hourly. Swag literally names the whole game and changes from min to min every game. Pickle just does it in list form lol
  15. You sure Rags didnt come in going off about naming the whole game/20 people.....cause my guess Rags is complicit in the exaggeration which based on how Pickle was lynched...frustration like that can be expected Also give how Rags has repeatedly said Pickles reada suck D1 and is never right
  16. It is a fallacy cause I can assure you it isnt 11 names that he thought was scum at the sa.e time. With him it constantly changes overall. Since he died D1...look at his last post/what he sent to BCB This is what is annoying him imo and you need to let it go and I know he will. His reads on who were scum D1 came down to the 7 for the end of D1, which I assume were basically what he sent to Bcb
  17. @theuntouchable @Pickle Rick breathe and look at why each are frustrated. Touch is continuing a fallacy and Pickle is continuing the chest pounding. Step away from both and regroup
  18. And claimed powerful town and had 3/4 of us in his top reads...had to be done lol
  19. I think your going about this wrong again...reads change as you have acknowledged to Pickle...so just base what he is saying off his last post/what he sent to Bcb
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