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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I thought it was clear, dont worry though, Rags and Counselor just jumped you and everyone else with those reactions and Counselor's lie about their roles
  2. Again you are completely discounting that he could as a godfather appear as town in invests Rags explain your role with Counselor. Counselor obviously lied
  3. Why is that. There has been a few games where scum has had a pardoner or lynch proof or etc. Double vote can go either way, see @Pickle Rick who has had it like 3 times as scum Also, you are posting like you KNOW Malfs role, so you know he doesnt appear as town in invests? These are leaps that you are not even considering Look, I just mention you as who I think is scum and you both jump on immediately I think I figured it out. These reactions are amazing lmao So Counselor lied about your role and bam once someone calls it out you all pounce lmao
  4. You started contributing. I didnt like how even when you posted the few times you did the first few days they still were not helping really. Just a post to post Dome- seems to be coasting MD4L- talked more about the past and wrestling then scum hunting Matts 2.0- seemed to take a lazy approach upon Mwils claim. I think he said he wouldnt consider anyone else or something along the lines Counselor 2.0/Rags 2.0- not sure but didnt Counselor say Monk couldnt talk during the day/vote, but Rags seems to be. Really odd. I'm also still thinking something was screwy with the results from Rags 1.0. If Malf is a godfather then isnt it possible he is immune to invest (would appear town), similar to how I used it in my games. Meaning the results are backwards
  5. @MWil23 @squire12 I need to clear up the night move I am the one with the boot apparently. Bcb is mixing up the flavor and annoying the crap out of me
  6. I didnt boot Squire, but I'd say he is cleared as much as possible
  7. This is very important...was it a boot?
  8. I've limited my name calling in an attempt to find my friend @theuntouchable again, so I will refrain from retaliation My theory was a tad outlandish, but a good mafia player in a mason would have discussed with me instead of quitting at first sight lol
  9. @James Dome found his balls again, you can come back to mafia
  10. You should contribute this game and see what I comprehend
  11. I'll trust my memory over your rolodex
  12. I strongly disagree. Though, I havent been worth a damn this game. Pretty for sure I know what role Blue had...which if right I messed that up big time
  13. Lmao, it's hilarious you believe this
  14. I'd be down for this. Gotta get rid of the bad players
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