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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Live replay of Swag filling the glasses
  2. Why are you still ignoring Squire?
  3. I assume the last noise you hear when this goes off
  4. Im too fat now. Only chance he has is if I fall through and at that point he would be squashed
  5. You have time to post about a compliments and other things take priority, but you are still avoiding participating
  6. Wake me when he has more than 1 post
  7. As I said it was a team effort and you played a big part. Swag just refuses to give any credit of any kind for me calling out his thread play on D2 and controlling the lynch via the pardon to get Dome and himself lynched with the help of the rest of town. I also put his PM front and center as "fake" which I'm guessing had you analyzing it up and down It was a great team effort, but he will never recognize my play even though I had an MVP the game before
  8. You remain the most delusional hypocrite
  9. We buried him last game, maybe that's why he wants to be the Undertaker this game so bad
  10. Not my fault he is as delusional as you
  11. Just like that Fake PM last game...presentation coupled with reasoning leads to a scum read and calling out your fake **** as usual
  12. If you all wont vote Swag...Squire is scum
  13. Swag Earlier: I'm a genius watch this Swag Now: Not my fault, who else can I get to claim
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