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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Voting isnt nominating Gotta have some representation since I'm sure people are going to nominate and vote them for sure
  2. @Matts4313 You and me are gonna tag team this game, does that work for you?
  3. Refuted lmao. No you didnt. That's why you had like 3 or 4 votes to 1 for anyone else when Malf posted about your error. You were still the lynch I believe. Pretty much the only choice the whole day. You are the one with the distorted view Just because you say nuh uh. Doesnt mean the original point has been refuted and completely nullified and clearly in this case it wasnt
  4. I wrecked your *** . Just admit it. You got lynched as scum and I was the reason (with help from my other genius town brethren)
  5. I'm lynching him...even if it's me that gets him
  6. 1. It was the correct read. It was a fake PM either way. Whether given to them from the beginning or faked via Paint, website, or code. It was how he presented if you read which was why it was fake imo and pointed to him as scum which was correct 2. I get it was "real" but it was fake. I liked the idea and based on thread play that's why I pushed correctly Dome and Swag. I was stuck on @bcb1213 being scum joat and that ended badly 3. Thanks for backing me up. At this point I dont think you read the posts to understand what you were responding to. 5 demons (or 6) either way was a lot and town focused on them to their detriment letting Squire slide by. Squire did have a double hit. Josh/malf. Not that he got two hits but got two people killed at once...a double hit
  7. @Mega Ron @teude @Shady Slim @Slappy Mc @mission27
  8. @AFlaccoSeagulls @rackcs @Llamalover @KOTN-93 @Matts4313 @MookieMonstah @VikeManDan @N4L @James @Woz
  9. I'm in Like last game, I'm gonna go back to using words as well D1
  10. Completely different and you know it. Modkilling yourself is different than posting a screenshot of a PM with 2 votes to reveal your role and alignment trying to clear yourself @Malfatron
  11. You were not. You were a demon and a PM as town was fake (I get it was real, but game purposes it was fake)...you posting it unnecessarily revealing your power before need be is 100% scum Swag. You pushing hard for me to reveal websites etc was scum Swag because you wanted to drill home it was real once it was called fake
  12. @bcb1213 I was wrong, sorry for lynching you. I was stuck on you being scum JOAT @theuntouchable Sorry for lynching you D1
  13. I wasnt expecting it, but town probably should in most games for the foreseeable future
  14. I think it was Racks IT game where I was IT. I couldnt die until all other scum died
  15. That hurt you, but 6 or whatever demons were so many it just pushed you to the back burner until it was too late I think. Getting the double hit was awesome for you
  16. My read was correct, the reasoning why your PM was fake was correct, you whining about it has to be real was clearly false lol @Malfatron tell Swag I made perfect sense and was correct
  17. @SwAg @Dome @squire12 Good game. That role would have been fun. Overpowered beyond recognition but fun as hell lol
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