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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Swag is claiming Mission and roleblock. He tried to roleblock Mwil last night when he died, but "failed" KSJ knew Dome was a vote manipulator who admitted it and flipped Demon Matts has "failed" cause he keeps using his move on people not in the game Squire is Mwil and died but came back to life Whicker claims to be Bcb with a census I'm dome and can pardon Josh is Orca, Malf is Pickle Gopher claimed his move "failed" Mwil stole Counselors bomb who was redirected there by Bcb Right now the acceptable lynches are 1. Swag 2. Gopher 3. MD4L 4. Bcb 5. Whicker
  2. Maybe say that instead of acting like a POS Doesnt take away from my point about the order
  3. Take a look at vote counts and try to connect people as scum, make wild crazy theories, pick a fight with Swag to show your intellectual superiority, post some song lyrics, post some pics of Jodelle Ferland That should last you until the end of the game lol
  4. Almost always the kills are posted in the same order each night unless done by the same faction....
  5. As I said, not sold and maybe on Swag being Pesci. Case to be made either way at this time
  6. Snubnosed revolver vs gun Specifically talking to target vs sneakily in the back of the head Revealing purple vs nothing
  7. I see you **** on yourself with that fake claim and now are back tracking cause you are scum
  8. Pickle had a convo with the purple guy specifies purple and a snub nosed revolver Creature killed Squire Man jumps into bed with Forge Man shoots Mwil None of these are the same
  9. Why didnt Swag correct Malf Why didnt Swag play like Mission So many questions lol
  10. I'm not sold on Purple Pesci killing Mwil. The kills dont match from what I remember
  11. Maybe, claiming he was targeting Mwil but not successful when Mwil dies...shady
  12. I'm stuck on one of these, I'll be back in a few days
  13. The real question at hand is...is the roleblock his real move and is it scum or town
  14. When did I start working on it or when did I take the screen shot...two different things lol. I started I think a little before noon
  15. The real question is why did Swag feel pressured to reveal his "PM" He had like 2 votes. He has beaten multiple red letters even recently basically. Why the need to reveal his "PM" and "power" there Scum and fake imo
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