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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. In baby...Hozz Fuzz awesome!!! Same rules for me this game
  2. I didnt like how you accused me and Pickle of having a predetermined target D1
  3. The activity level has decreased with some people not playing. Slows the game down imo
  4. Come on Mwil You got 2 things to do Tell everyone who I visited last night Find 1 game where I was town and used a move on Pickle N1
  5. @MWil23 I'll start you off with an easy one lol Show me 1 game where I was town and used a move on Pickle D1
  6. John Malkovich @MikeT14 I believe is up
  7. Modkill Slappy and take over his vote count duties. Im sure Wolf would be happy
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