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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I was looking forward to seeing how you fare when Mwil doesnt corrupt you
  2. You realize this is any case unless there is night info confirmed by 3 or more sources right lmao Also, Im not changing. If im right I am right and changing may hinder my thought process and produce tainted or incorrect results. If people dont want to listen to me that's fine. Using Pickle is like say using Bcb if he was killed night 1 and linking it to Whicker...same concept. Doesnt matter if its my brother or someone else. Again. I wont be changing other than limiting my words early in games What should happen is treat us independent of each other. Who cares if I use Pickle dying as a reason that it implicates Mwil. It was right @theuntouchable
  3. I comprehend fine. Its the rest of town that needs to get into my brain to see how I figure these things out lol
  4. What if I got a kill/protect/block/jail/etc in the reward? It was a toss us for sure imo. Could have gone either way.
  5. That's my point. Just like the game before when Matts didn't understand how the lightning rod, godfather, etc would impact a census. Didn't make sense because you should know and he should have known
  6. He needed to kill an indy...it had been so long since he had a thrill kill of an innocent indy
  7. Just so you all know if it was 3-3 vote wise I would have pardoned the non Mwil person unless it was Whicker @squire12
  8. Not using words is not being inactive...but sense you cant understand this like Mwil...there will be consequences
  9. No, they are hypocrites if they see anything wrong What is wrong is 1. Mwil wont vote like 10 people N1 2. No one will vote Swag/Malf/Touch N1 (other than me) 3. Mwil giving his vote to someone multiple games is a double vote dynamic 4. Racks only voting who Swag says cause Swag is good is a double vote dynamic 5. If someone has an issue something is wrong with them 6. If there are consequences for me not voring Pickle D1 I will lock my vote on Mwil every day or Whicker or Rags or Racks or Swag hell even you. Everyone has someone they wont lynch D1....PERIOD. Grow up and play the game. There is NOTHING wrong with it....PERIOD 7. Counselor only voting who Mwil wants cause it's his buddy is a double vote dynamic that must me punished 8. I can go on but I assume you realize how terrible your post is
  10. It wasnt imo. It was reaction based, night results based, voting based, meta based, and some previous chat based...the whole thing. The only other cases made were...inactive so
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