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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. That's why I wanted him to explain his frustration/poking of me when I said I was working with pickle. Felt like he was trying to stir the pot with collusion talk He still hasnt responded
  2. I really really really feel its Mwil He hasnt scum hunted and has stoked the fire and stirred things up more so. As mafia he told me that's what he tries to to which is why I do feel he would be this active/rebuttal wise as scum
  3. Absolutley agree...but on D3 of a 14 person game, I'm on the fence of doing it here
  4. Depends on the host. If they can use the item on top of their role then it might not be watched/tracked. I dont think Nacho let the "item" be tracked or watched just the ability Me as a host I let all items found in the interactive game gmbe used whenever (someone used like 6 moves 1 night) and each move would have been seen/tracked I'd say its visits both or visits no one (for the item/reward)
  5. I dont think I've seen it tracked or watched...but if I used it as a host...I'd have it able to be tracked/watched to/at both
  6. So initial thoughts while watching Florida...this is an effort to get votes off Mwil and a mislynch 3 days in a row
  7. @MWil23 why is Whicker lock scum It's just as easy for Rags to lie and be scum Whicker at least we know didnt kill anyone if Rags is town and telling the truth We don't know how and when the move worked just not on N1 according to Whicker
  8. So I'd like some input as well on my next one. The options so far are 1. The Final Reich: Journey into the Universe 2. A time travel horror mystery 3. War movie 4. The real story of Robert Falcon Scott and his ill fated expedition to the South Pole 5. The Peak (or something similar)- a scifi/adventure/thriller
  9. 1. You trying to one up me...you will fail 2. Yes 3. Interesting. This wins imo 4. I'm thinking something similar 5. Yes, Yes, Yes 6. Hell yes
  10. What is wrong with working together...this seems like it annoyed you and you are upset with it. I want you to explain yourself/comment
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