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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I won ahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! @theuntouchable start liking my posts
  2. @Everyone You should read this...it will help you in a future mafia game
  3. Nope...for a fact he has hit more and tried even more
  4. Malf...you can spin all you want like Touch...you were converted and Orange is going to win if they listen to you
  5. I had no validity already because for sure Racks visited Gopher and that was already undercut because Racks is lacking some brain cells
  6. Let me guess...on Touch lmao...you were totally converted as well
  7. You pick someone to protect the entire game...you choose someone N1 and protect that person the whole game...quit lying
  8. N1 Slappy Tracked you...you visited yourself You used the move on yourself 100%
  9. I have nothing but a roleblock and a faction hit (I can use both each night) I roleblocked you for fun and hit Touch last night since you, him, and bcb were working so close together
  10. @squire12 If you want town to win. I'm flat out telling you...it needs to be Bcb. I wont hit anyone or put a move in. Townfolks need a win...all of them
  11. Lmao...you used it on yourself for a fact. I really was JOAT
  12. You convert if a hit is failed for any reason...so yes
  13. Also, Malf is a protector and has protected himself each night
  14. Bcb converted you didnt he lol Good luck Town. I've locked Bcb. I suggest you do the same. I cant win now. I know he isnt a Survivor from an invest Ive got Christmas things today/tonight so I'm pretty much out/done with the game
  15. I killed Touch...it wasnt a town move I'm extending the olive branch to make sure town gets a win
  16. This is one of those times you SHOULD read those lyrics
  17. Is this what mafia looks like now. Ill Play. give me the Dolphins
  18. O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum Do kannst mir sehr gefallen! The news had come out in the First World War The bloody Red Baron was flying once more The Allied command ignored all of its men And called on Snoopy to do it again Was the night before Christmas, 40 below When Snoopy went up in search of his foe He spied the Red Baron, fiercely they fought With ice on his wings Snoopy knew he was caught Christmas bells those Christmas bells Ring out from the land Asking peace of all the world And good will to man The Baron had Snoopy dead in his sights He reached for the trigger to pull it up tight Why he didn't shoot, well, we'll never know Or was it the bells from the village below? Christmas bells those Christmas bells Ringing through the land Bringing peace to all the world And good will to man The Baron made Snoopy fly to the Rhine And forced him to land behind the enemy lines Snoopy was certain that this was the end When the Baron cried out, "Merry Christmas, mein friend!" The Baron then offered a holiday toast And Snoopy, our hero, saluted his host And then with a roar they were both on their way Each knowing they'd meet on some other day Christmas bells those Christmas bells Ringing through the land Bringing peace to all the world And good will to man Christmas bells those Christmas bells Ringing through the land Bringing peace to all the world And good will to man Christmas bells those Christmas bells Ringing through the land Merry Christmas!!! This is the issue. The ratio Squire posted above shows that Bcb and someone else are Aligned. I think at the time he and Dome had claimed Other. Dome and Touch we know are Aligned. Squires move is a joke if it doesnt reveal an alignment. That would be broken and I know Matts is smarter than that. Touch feverishly defended Bcb Malf cant die cause he is protecting himself and Daboyle cant die either. One of these two could be converted Orange is going to win unless 1 is lynched for sure Mafia has at most 1 person left. At best they are gone (they are gone imo) Bcb has killed, Bcb has converted, Bcb is not a Survivor. Bcb needs to be lynched today
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