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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Very possible You dont know what I know so how can you say that
  2. He is given their names. Similar to mafia not the chat or maybe they can correspond via a message or something When I was IT, I was told how I could be killed. Here he could have been told when a,b,c,d die he can be killed
  3. OMG! How is that even a little stretch. It's perfectly explained and matches what is going on imo IT wasnt mafia in the IT game
  4. So I think Drumpy is not mafia Mafia is his goons. From reading back up there are 4 mafia This is the post that leads me to there are 4 mafia. I think the FBI agents is flavor for the act, but a clue into the setup. I think Drumpy and imo I am assuming C are survivors with different mechanics to survive. Im thinking Drumpy cant die until the mafia (goons) are dead, which would be similar to the IT role I had a couple of games ago. I think C is a serial killer type role/survivor. This leaves the setup at 12-4-1-1 Mwil, Malf, Ted, Hockey Forge Squire/ET/Pickle/Touch Dome- PGO Counselor- protector/jail Gopher- protector/jail Racks- vig ET- seems to be hinting he is the roleblock Pickle-unknown but leaning town Touch- unknown but leaning town Ted- mafia Hockey- mafia Squire- C/Indy Forge- T/Indy
  5. Nope...I dont believe you at all. Not even a little. And no, I dont believe there are 5 mafia. I think the setup is a little more complex than that
  6. What would you like to know? I can breakdown the game, claim, tell my thoughts on a few people, breakdown everybody...give my thoughts on it all... What would you fancy?
  7. If he stayed in the game I agree...but he was replaced and Counselors has to be weighed as well. Ted however has done nothing but claim some unknown info Hockey received clears him. That isn is whole contribution that I can remember over the last week
  8. What did he do that was egregious other than stay in the game? When was he replaced? I dont see Counselor coming into the game and fake claiming left and right if he was scum. That's more of what he does as town and how he did it felt town imo
  9. Hugo Weaving @Deadpulse you are on the clock
  10. Or best...just depends innthe move...in this case best
  11. Will Smith @Daniel You are on the clock
  12. Yeah he may not be, but I think his questioning is displaying an underlying bit of knowledge and he is looking for if Counselor is really the protector/protected a hit
  13. @theuntouchable I believe I took it right after all lmao and again...Protectors protecting against a hit is rarely posted in the right up
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