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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I'm washing my hands of this game and not going back pages lol...name them and I can help. Also, how many posts did you make before Domes post and immediately after, before and after Mwil as well. What was the content, what was the words/tone, how does it compare to how you would be perceived to play it as town/mafia/other. Put it all together to get a read on you and just you. The read only pertains to you and is not transferable
  2. Name them and I'll relate it to their meta. It's a big picture thing that has mutiple aspects is what Pickle is getting at imo. For you, you arent very active D1, so you not posting about it was a Null tell, maybe you missed it maybe you didnt Swag not posting about it while posting on other things would be a red flag, because that is something he would pick up on immediately If I was playing normal, I'd bet 100000 dollars Pickle would have said i was scum for sure, cause I would normally as town post about it in some way, liked the post like some did or something It's not a black or white thing...its goes to the specific poster, how they reacted to it, when, what manner, tone, etc Mwil and Forge was sure fire red flags/scum. I'm guessing it was clear to you all who were town so Mwil as town would have not jumped to a group of others for the people who acknowledged it, if he was town with the same win con. It's a combination of a lot of things that leads to the read in that situation...and I 100% believe Pickle was spot on with it. Maybe not explaining it though lol
  3. I will say this...it probably cleared 6 town on D1, outed Mwil as mafia D1, and put a high degree of suspect on Forge. As town I would have had the same line of thinking as Pickle and I bet others did as well. Could it have been avoided as mafia...yes, but not interacting in something you usually would as town is a clear red flag imo...and in that aspect Pickle has a point
  4. Well that's probably because @MWil23 had already stepped on the landmine and lost his insides while just waiting to die
  5. Not experienced enough to recognize it, is how I would term it. This is just mean to be mean
  6. 1. It is the PM game imo, but so easily stopped by the host if they give the PM/wincom 2. I agree, I should have died D1
  7. 50/50 I say go for the kill The game started Oct 31st and we had no idea if we could kill other than a 50/50 day invest/kill and a 1 shot random duel. 2 days later...2 days into the game we had no idea how we could kill other than those two weak *** things. SO YES it was relevant
  8. 1. I disagree 2. You went over 24 hours without saying we had a faction kill while answering other things. You only answered after i said someone PM swag cause he is ignoring us. So for over 24 hours we were playing and not knowing if we could kill at night. Its not a big hindrance but is beyond annoying that we were playing and not know what we can and cant do...then you say sure why not Asked at 8:28 am on Nov 1st and answered at 3:30 pm on Nov 2nd 2. I told them repeatedly to someone kill ET...so if someone talked Racks out of that...that was on them and @rackcsgets a pass in my book...sorry racks my bad Last thing I say on this
  9. Our whole team was outed early except me. 2 by PM phishing, squire had some people hot on him, and Malf was scummy too. The OP aspect extended the game and gave us a chance...in a normal setup we are gone long before for sure Also, its not necessarily that he couldnt answer, cause he did. It's the intent behind it and how he answered. I'm not going to get more into but I really disliked it. Also what I think Pickle alluded to that we could have said in thread anyone was lynched and Swag would have done it...its just not a style I like. That's my opinion, and I believe the hosting was detrimental to the game/enjoyment on my end. I'm not going to say anymore to it. On to the next game put this in the past imo
  10. Swag intentionally ignored questions, allowed PM fishing, was vague as **** on answers, was an absolutely ***** *** about answers etc...and allowed the game to go way to long that it wasnt even fun...vanilla and a faction kill are two different things and wasnt specified how he meant it. Just crap from my view point...but whatever
  11. If they did they sucked to...but how can Racks use our faction kill if he isnt part of us...broken setup right there lmao
  12. You allowed PM phishing and ignored my request for the town wincon for like 12 hours. Also if that's your term vanilla it should be stated. Vanilla means they dont have a move. Mafia players don't have moves tones of times...can still use the factional kill. Crappy mechanics imo
  13. He was told what to do and chose to do nothing, so yeah...that was on him
  14. Oh I know...but he never really was due to his choice to have us lose rather than win lol
  15. You could learn the difference between vanilla and the use of a fraction kill...but alas that wont happen lmao
  16. Games over...thankfully...any other setups with the long time lags on the lynches make known beforehand, so I can check out even more. It was painful Also, @rackcs wasnt mafia ever. Dude is a traitor lol
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