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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. So when I suggested trying to clear Bcb, you, naz, and Pickle...you didn't know who the other scum were?
  2. We had 3 lynches...nothing to lose by going down the line...Nacho was gone either way
  3. Yeah...1 in 3 shot for the win!!!! Should have trusted my gut D1. Had Nacho, Llama and Rags @Dome
  4. If its Malf...Swag is taking a picture of himself eating crow...or at least apologizing
  5. Scum slip How do you know its fake? His track on Racks was real cause he knew Racks move before racks did
  6. Completely wrong imo. It gave Bcb an easy out to say he tracked you nowhere...but then he claims to have not seen your posts about being in a Mason. Now that he flipped scum this connection is more drawn out imo. And the ill effects were there if you believed we were all town. The voting dynamic of this game plays a role in this all. If you thought we were all town and we were gonna work together then why out the Masons. That would have given Mafia a free kill because some were saying that 1 was for sure a spy. Swag as the outed protector eventually wasn't going to protect any of us no matter what imo. You put the voting block at risk for no reason imo. Now that it hasn't happened Im thinking strongly that 1 of you or Nacho is the scum
  7. The irony. Are you going to acknowledge that Swag, Mwil, and Racks horribly misrepresented their moves and what they did resulting in my questioning and hard pounding them...and know you are using Pickle misrepresenting pushing scum as a reason he could be scum....at least admit you see the similarities cause Im at a lost right now why Pickle's misrepresentation should mean something and the others mean nothing?
  8. Again...no reason to confirm it or the identity. There was no reason to out it with Nacho either. Given the voting dynamic outing all of this for no reason was not good imo (if we were all civ). Really feels like there was extra motive...then Bcb says he didn't see any of it (You and Nacho at that time I believe) after claiming to have tracked you no where
  9. Swag ****ed up...dont ever try to get fake as **** by me. I called his ******* bull**** double jailer out...called out the order of moves...then he claimed protector...Mwil claimed a scum move janitor while claiming 90 ******* things in an hour...racks said he used his move on Swag before being caught/outed by Bcb...if they were not total trash players it would have made sense and not been a cluster **** of lies and made up bull****. As @TheKillerNacho told me this game...dont lie as town, it never ends will
  10. You outed that there was third mason before Swag said anything in thread. Still not sure where or how Swag figured it out other than I kept calling you all civs, but his comment about being lead by me and Nacho was after you claimed there was 3...not before from what I quoted
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