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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Guess I shouldnt say easily figured out, since I was the only one pushing the no 2 jailer crap Swag was rolling downhill in a pile of crap lmao
  2. Never seen such incompetence by Swag and Racks. Complete fail town. Killing civs, making up fake moves that are easily figured out, straight incompetency not knowing who they used a move on
  3. It's hard to discuss when it's one way or the highway. The racks fiasco skewed my mindset as you being town. No idea how such an allstar player cant figure out who whe used a move on. Helped paint you as town in my book
  4. So did Bcb buss Rags? Why is it accepted Bcb would, but Swag and Malf wouldnt? Bcb had every chance to vote Mwil and Pickle was a wildcard so it could have ended with Mwil killed. That's the easy call if Bcb is scum with Rags imo Issue is Bcb had been touting following the tricorder results only basically. Could Bcb have been playing the long game...maybe...but imo none of this is needed if he was scum with Rags So if Bcb is scum with Rags...why is he tracking Naz instead of Rags and basically clearing Rags? He tracks Naz further confirming his mason staus limiting the tricorder results to him and Rags Basicially any case you make for Bcb you can make for Swag and Malf individually imo in regards to bussing, except be was on the line with way more to risk I'm gone this game lil...I went down the rabbit hole...got pissed and took up shop, so again I'd say I'm biased...but Red lettering Bcb basically is smart imo because as they may lose Malf, the tracker would be gone Malf has been roleblocked every night and then bam...got a guilty on Bcb? Unless Rags was the roleblock (he may have been) was anyone else roleblocked last night? Has anyone asked these questions or just blindly follow Ultimately it could be Bcb...but what was Bcbs end game...kill his partner and hope it clears himself some space to work. This feels highly feasible, but why. Maybe it's just my mindset this game that has gone in the gutter
  5. Hey now...I called it as fake...you just had the info that Racks was lying about who he jailed lol
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