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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. So you or Racks is the JOAT again...man that would be nice to have a role like that
  2. Think this through...how are the moves resolved @Dome what's the order of moves? Both Racks and Swag jailed Malf, but Swag is saying his failed......
  3. You sound exactly like you did when you got Malf to lynch me even though I had evidence you were scum
  4. You scared? No one will entertain voting you...yet you still seem scared...must mean Mwil will flip scum for sure
  5. Please explain Also given that scenario you would go...ah that makes since, they are town
  6. So follow this...If this happened what would you all say I say over and over Malf is a mutineer for sure Touch invests me and Mwil alinged Pickle says touch is lying cause he jailed me so i cant be targeted Then BcB says Pickle is lying cause he didnt visit me but Malf instead Then I say no i was roleblocked so Pickle is telling the truth Then Pickle goes...oops Bcb was right that he jailed Malf instead Then I say well that makes since I tried to jail Malf as well WTF!!!!! You all would lynch me and Pickle in a second
  7. @SwAg You were confident Pickle was scum last night....why jail Malf instead of him?
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