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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. If its from the summoner...anyone could have picked him...so it would be dependent on their alignment. It is acting like a controlled double vote/vote protection imo
  2. It's just odd, If its 1, and as Swag said I've killed myself because I have the balls to call him out (such a lazy argurment Swag lmao) then why not let my vote be wasted. As it is I'm forced to not vote Swag and the field I can vote for is limited by 1 2 and 3 make more sense, but it still limits who I can vote for. The narrowing of my choices to vote is strategic or just for fun imo. Makes me think better of Squire, but is that the goal. It can basically go any different direction But then why stop me from voting Swag? If everyone thinks he is so cleared and refuse to vote him...what does 1 vote on him matter....instead it forces me to vote elsewhere
  3. So if somone is controlling him...why would they not want me voting Swag?
  4. So doing something totally out of the ordinary and easily noticed....is damning? Pot meet kettle
  5. Summoner A warrior who may Summon the most powerful of spirits, the beings known as espers. So is Ifriti an esper?
  6. Swag got me lynched when he was scum and i had confirmed night info he was scum. You cant take what he does or says at face value...that's how he just walks to wins as scum Lol @Forge what is this Ifirit?
  7. What's that tell you? Swag So you are gonna spend 2 days being lazy and pounding mindless, annoying, and fake as **** arguements...and 1 of the main people involved in said argument with you is scum Then after ET flips you come out with posts that equal your town contribution combined in your last 5 town games....
  8. Dont call Pickle town on D1 for the first time ever To be honest...yeah I was lying low. I needed to see the thread to chose who to use my move on. Racks is a piss ant and Mwil wants to grudge vote me for the last games, so I figured I'd call my shot early and see how the night unfolded reading more than posting. It got crazy, so I just observed
  9. Blow it out your ***...I remember you wanting to lynch me or Pickle just so we cant save the other on mutiple occasions. But now the table is turned you stick up for your brother...f that
  10. Racks you crybaby hypocrite!!!! Racks Racks Racks At least have pair like Matts
  11. No Do you seriously think that anything you posted has helped in a meaningful way?
  12. So a question to all... If anyone else was so obsessed with their own meta that they would spend 100 pages arguing with like 5 people about it...wouldn't that be scummy?
  13. @Tk3 Why did you post you thought Pickle was town a few times?
  14. To add, he basically called Pickle town a few times as well on D1...which I have never seen
  15. Also lazy Swag is not civ Swag imo. Civ Swag tries hard
  16. Why does no one want to acknowledge Swag is just being lazy? Tk3
  17. Well when I use words you couldnt follow, so I figured you were more of a visual comprehender
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