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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. So those pics Malf sent me were fake? @Malfatron time to explain
  2. Not really last game. But I totally PMd Racks about the lynch D1...told him how I interpreted it and in the end more chaos would help my game since I was the SK. The other two he hosted I believe I did...but was town for both or 1 and 1 in those 2
  3. Only Swag could answer cause I dont have the slightest idea lol
  4. In terms of strict dislike currently 1. Anyone saying me and Pickle collude 2. Swag (wont ever acknowledge a single good thing I have said or done and continuously misrepresents what I say and trashes me at every chance he gets) 3. Racks (refuses to accept blame in changing game setups 3 times to favor not me (and a few others) in 3 straight games he has hosted...a simple I screwed up and am sorry would go a long way...vs giving me LVP 4. Mwil (Its kind of fun lmao...really no reason at all) 5. MD4L (pretty for sure he literally just wants to vote me or Pickle) 6. Tk3 (not around as much so it has waned) 7. Matts (different player since he came back, much less combative with me) Above all is Outpost, but isnt mafia related
  5. Not 1 falsehood if you read. Never said keep it for 24 hours...you interpreted as that and I acknowledged the initial vote as not having a reason. You are backing up my points now lol
  6. 1. Thats how it read to me 2. I meant keep as in currently keep and may change but if not you would use that as an excuse imo 3. 6 people wont change from their first vote (we should bet on this lol) 4. Again you said KSJ had been quiet all game...like why does being quiet for 2 pages matter? Do you get the word choice problem here? 5. Cool
  7. Not imo. I've done that a crap ton. Revenge votes are common place to start on D1. Regardless of alignment. Now it is a good way for scum to enter, but largely a null tell imo Forge faked an excuse...in terms of being bogus, someone isnt deemed as quiet all game 2 pages in
  8. Entirely different imo Forge bypassed a person he was critical of to vote someone else the. After the return vote he used an excuse that was bogus...not just an excuse ET seems like he is revenge voting from BB Revenge vote from like a bunch of games I have gone at him Revenge vote for...still waiting why he is pissed at me lol Forge was critical of Malf but bypassed voting him for voting KSJ and then used a bogus excuse (being quiet all game) like 2 pages into the game to keep the vote imo I see it as a connection between Malf and Forge. Forge wanted to be critical of Malf to distance himself early on, but didnt want to vote him imo
  9. I'd like to hear this...cause I know where it started on my end with him
  10. How well do you know this theme? Last game you were well versed in the theme and were town. Stayed low and a bit scummy just wanting to hammer someone. You were reserved otherwise until you picked your spots and made great posts thinking critically. This game you seem to have come out blazing hot. Your posts critical of Malf and critical of KSJ were vastly different Joking tone, but no vote Voting KSJ while joking about people returning votes (easy entry vote for scum by the way) Return vote from KSJ Extremely early in the game and you are critical of KSJ for being quiet all game? Kind of like you need an excuse to keep your vote on KSJ in the style that you said you liked above about the return vote Malf
  11. Seems like you are worried about it...so yes You were the reviver...once you used your move after N1 you were neutered, so of course you were left alone by all...until the next to last night lmao
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