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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Guys this is kind of fun @rackcs thanks for role @rackcs I love my role @rackcs next time have me actually part of the game Family Wedding tomorrow guys...good luck if I cant catch up or vote. I'm rooting for town Tag me if someone says something relevant or a recap like every 5 hours Thanks!
  2. I'm gonna announce all roles now...if you all wont let me kill Open format
  3. K...I'm gonna mod announce your role to begin the game just for fun now
  4. I'll kill whoever you tell me to...if I dont...I'll give you the most powerful role ever in my game...deal?
  5. I do not take kindly to being threaten...make a deal with me on your terms then
  6. Quit roleblocking me...let me help. I dont care who, tell me who to kill...just let me have some fun
  7. Nah...I'm choosing the lynch since everyone here is an adolescent scaredy cat
  8. Cool...I was gonna eat your brains Umm...I dont have any more kills. Only had them the first 4 nights
  9. If I do and you block me...I'm voting you locked for any game you play...deal?
  10. Legit...I'll hit Touch. Gotta trust the friendly SK eventually if town wants to win
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