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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. You ignored me when I asked if you were solo then after a bit post s PM as such...sketchy...then on top you could decide at any time to help scum and give them 2 votes...if you had no move maybe...but a double vote non town is bad for town
  2. It's how I would do it...cause it serves two purposes 1. If they know positively they are both town then it would confirm the other person they invest as town or not 2. If they dont know each others alignment for sure, then an invest that comes back not aligned and that person flips town would prove their mason partner isnt town
  3. Nope...im town If you and Counselor are town...why didnt you compare somone to one of you all?
  4. I'm 100% town. If we are not aligned, then Pickle isnt town @Pickle Rick this is a true statment isnt it? As in you are a solo alignment?
  5. Racks is gonna get me back eventually lol...though he did lynch me then, so it's basically equal lmao Mwil is just using threats of future payback in an attempt to move the lynch
  6. Not when you voted...I quoted the votes in order today from what I can tell
  7. You shifted why I was posted that I disagreed from its clear reason that you manufactured the hammer post to thinking I disagreed with the order of events...I went back and multiquoted and your post was last...get with it scum
  8. Completley disagree...you are scrambling to avoid the lynch @MWil23 since you are just BSing in an attempt to live lol
  9. Completley disagree...you are scrambling to avoid the lynch
  10. So I tried to put the votes together today...if Pickle has a double vote for sure...then you are at 4 votes. How you getting hammered again...scum post asking for a hammer lmao
  11. Haven't seen the attitude and brashness you usually display even in the face of a lynch...you are scrambling while trying to appeal to people to move their vote, not wanting to put yourself out there with lies and outlandish pushes etc. You are more controlled and methodical imo...which I believe is your scum tell
  12. This is false imo...Mwil was not his typical town self, especially in response to the first two votes he received from Whicker and Counselor. The brashness wasnt there and seemed subdued imo...he was trying to stir the pot without putting himself out there
  13. Nah...was a song I was listening to at the time...I'm curious though...what do you think I'd be soft claiming in that song?
  14. Catch up Tk3 style so we see the thoughts in your head as everything unfolded
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