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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. "Welcome back, my friends To the show that never ends I'm so glad you could attend Come inside! Come inside There behind a rake May stand a real alignment sensor or fake Be careful as you pass Lots of stuff can blow up your *** Move along! Move along Each day you must move along 1 time at least or shall be punished to the abyss Come inside, the show's about to start Guaranteed to blow your head apart Rest assured you'll get your money's worth The greatest show in Heaven, Hell, or Earth Lots of places to search, hide, cause chaos, kill, or survive The ballroom has its grand chandelier The movie theater is showing V for Vendetta The bowling alley is always a blast Watch out in the Jungle Museum And dont forget the dungeon play time The ice room is a freezing delight And lastly the torture room is always good for a freight You've got to see the show, it's a dynamo You've got to see the show, it's rock and roll Right before your eyes We'll pull laughter from the skies And he laughs until he cries Then he dies, then he dies You've got to see the show, it's a dynamo You've got to see the show, it's rock and roll Some items can be used Found in disguise Or right in front of your eyes Maybe a sawed off shotgun to have some fun What a scene! What a scene Make sure you lynch 5 tries to survive or you ain't gonna be alive Next upon the stand Will you please extend a hand To Alexander's Ragtime Band Dixieland, Dixieland Roll up! Roll up! Roll up See the show Performing on a stage We've a sight to make you drool Drinks all around Keep it cool. Keep it cool We would like it to be known The exhibits that were shown Were exclusively our own All our own. All our own Come and see the show Come and see the show Come and see the show See the show See the show" "Welcome to my humble abode. I have invited you all to this party for one thing and one thing only, MY REVENGE!!!!!!!" Bang!!! An explosion of white light fills the room as the sound of steel doors roar shut and bars appear on the windows. "Now you see, I am The Orca and you all torture and torment me on a daily basis. Well not today. Most of you, hopefully all of you, will meet your end in this house. There is no espace. If you try to break out of the house you will die. I warn you, just dont do it. I may have pity when one team is left and let them out, but until then each night as a group, vote someone to die. To show you what this looks like can I have a Woz, yes I believe this says Woz step forward. Now Woz you have an issue with authority dont you. Well, I have the solution for you. Orcas come." Four robotic Orcas appeared and grabbed Woz. "String him up by the chandelier," The Orca bellowed When Woz was swinging from the chandelier, The Orca came down from atop the grand staircase and walked straight up to Woz The Orca pulls out a machete and disembowels Woz with one mighty swing. He laughs maniacally while he reveals a grenade. "Now things like this are hidden throughout the house, wonder who is gonna get out alive" As he finishes his evil and demonic diatribe, The Orca pulls the pin on the grenade and shoves it inside Woz' still twitching body. The blinding lights come on and everyone is frozen. Woz explodes into a million pieces. The blinding light fades into a ringing in everyone's ears The Orca back on the staircase gathers everybodies ears. "Now let's analyze what happened. Woz was a dumbass ***** and he dead. Ohhhh what else do we have. Mwil and Racks got it in the face. Must suck. Woz is dead he is Insidious, Good Aligned Mwil is dead he is Gallowwalkers, Evil Aligned Racks is dead he is Alien, Creepy Aligned" The Orca walks back down to the bodies of Racks and Mwil. He pulls out a syringe and exclaims "Now I can bring these fools back to life, but to be fair I will give them a different role/alignment" The Orca stabs Racks and Mwil right in the eye. Now you all are scary, demonic, terrifying movies...so make sure to make this a frightening experience for the newbies I saw in the back. Let the games begin....anybody want a bloody Mary? Or some blood spiked rum? The Orca appears with his robotic army and grabs Pickle Rick from his frozen state. The orcas maneuver Pickle Rick to the top of the landing in the ballroom. They place his body up on a pedestal and bring in a large tank. The tank in swimming with piranhas. The Orca dims the lights and releases everyone's auditory functions so they could hear. "Well now Mr. Pickle Rick, seems like these people just dont like you. Set below is a tank that will surely lead to a painful and excruciating demise, but as I said earlier, I am a man of second chances. You have 5 tries to guess this word association type game correctly or you will be dropped to meet your end. I have heard you would like to try Scifi, so let the games begin. @Pickle Rick You have 5 guesses to correctly answer this association under the Scifi category "Statement/Question": Five Tag me in the thread with each attempt. If you are wrong 5 times you will die. The lights come on and the guests are released from their voltage nap. When they look around and investigate what had happened during the night they saw a grizzly sight. The group slinked around the house to where @rackcs had been stationed the night before. All that could be seen was a body split in two. Upon further inspection it was determined the body from top to bottom was sliced in half by an instrument that contained teeth. Similar to a chainsaw Elsewhere in the house the group came upon @VikeManDan. His body was lying on the floor with blood everywhere. His torso split from his head and legs. It was like a viking shish kabob. When the group analyzed the horror scene a bit closer. It was clear the body was torn to shreds by an animal with large teeth. @rackcs is Dead, he was IT, Good Aligned (Green text) @VikeManDan is Dead, he was The Pyramid, Good Aligned (Green text) @Dome can not vote today It is now D2. Everyone must vote and perform an interactive move. Not doing so today will result in being roleblocked. 2 times from here on out possibly mod death Night 2 The Orca appears and a blinding light shocks the gizzards of all the guests. The Orca goes one by one looking for the name he was given as the next contestant in the game show that has begun to be affectionately called...The loco brain games of a mad man. After locating @Matts4313, The Orca congratulates @Pickle Rick who somehow masterfully and geniously defeated the first game posed to the lycnhees. This time it was Matts on the block. The Orca has his minions bring Matts up to the pedestal that contained Pickle and locked Matts into the contraption. The Orca exclaimed, "I believe we need to up the odds, as such bring in the big boys." The minion orcas walk a large freaking tank onto the landing and pull back a curtain shielding the tank from view. 5 large as great white sharks are revealed. The Orca states, "Well Matts, I am told you like sports, so give this one a try." You have 5 guesses to correctly answer this word association type game. Tag me with each guess. "Question/Statment": NFL The bright lights finally dim and the guests grumble around the house to see what happened over night. They come upon @MWil23 who was such a loveable creature. It appears that he was torn to shreds. Every piece of his body is torn from the bone. When inspected further it is revealed that that there are teeth marks everywhere. Similar to that of a very large dog. The group continued on its way around the house and come upon @Llamalover. His body was lying in a pool of blood. When the group tried to lift him up to see what happened his body split in two at the waist. It was cut clean by a blade @MWil23 is Dead, he was Jaws, Good Aligned @Llamalover is Dead, he was Hellraiser, Good Aligned The group finally came upon a man who was melted from the inside out. @theuntouchable had his insides turned to goo. The Orca appeared and walked up to the crowd. "I got this folks, my generosity knows no bounds." He plunges a syringe into Touch's eye. A couple of hours late Touch has his insides turn back to normal and he breathes a breath of life. @theuntouchable is dead @theuntouchable is alive @Dome can not vote today N3 The Orca shocks all of the guests to freeze them and draw their ears. "Well that last contestant wasnt much fun so let us have a Bcb try his hand" Bcb is fastened onto a table and a table saw started. It inched closer and closer every few hours "Now @bcb1213 I heard you like sports. Well try this word association out for size" Make sure you tag me with each guess Prompt: Best Sports Movie When the group was released from their state, they explored the halls and found a body that was unrecognizable. There were teeth marks everywhere like a large dog had eaten the body. @Nazgul was no more Elsewhere the group came upon the spot where @Malfatron had been the other day. His body was melted from the inside. Everything was turned into goup @Nazgul is Dead, he was The Purge, Good Aligned @Malfatron is Dead, he was Psycho, Good Aligned It is now D4. The Ice room and the Touture room are now open
  2. Rules: Mafia game: To vote for a person to be lynched. Bold the person’s name NO PM FISHING!!!! All role PMs are unique Night will be every night except for Night 1 which will be close to 48 hours long or longer depending on when the game starts Night will be based on the designated time and the timestamps in the thread. Once I post Night, you may continue to talk. The person with the most votes at the time Night occurs will be lynched In the event of a tie, there will be a 15 minute OT period. If there is still a tie, there will be a random lynch between the tied players After Night has been called there will be 30 minutes for players to finalize moves. No moves on the lynched player (they are locked). Night writeup will be within the hour You may talk during Night, however, about 30 minutes before I post the Write-up, I will call PMs going out, posting info from the PM given to you will result in punishment up to and including modkill Unless it says otherwise in your Role PM, you may NOT talk about the game outside of the Game Thread No editing or deleting your posts in the game thread that contain a vote or Interactive move I reserve the right to modkill anyone breaking any rules or behaving in a manner I deem inappropriate NO DEAD POSTING! Once you're dead, you're out of the Game Thread. Simple. You will be allowed one good game, **** you guys, etc post. I also don’t mind idle chat during night phases or a joke post. However must you post when you're dead please keep it non game related NO POSTING SCREENSHOTS OR DIRECTLY QUOTING FROM ROLE PMs. No posting fake role PMs either. Failure to do so will result in being Modkilled. You may type out night action PMs if it so suits you Do not post information regarding your PM from the Night prior to the Write-up being posted If your PM says not to say something, don’t. There will be no second chances and you will be modkilled ***Important***!!!!!!! The person who is the lynch will be given a word association type game. They will have 5 guesses (to start) to correctly guess the correct response. This must be done by the next lynch. If correct they will survive the lynch. If wrong they will suffer pure agony and then death There are three categories the lynchee can choose from Scifi (TV/Movies) Sports TV/Movies Example: Game of Thrones....answer Night King Anybody can help the lynchee by appropriate channels (ex. In thread) The lynchee must tag me with each guess in the thread ******INTERACTIVE PHASE****** Each guest will start out in the same room. Each day you must make an interactive move. The move you make can be just about anything (that said, I have to acknowledge it as an acceptable move-with a response). Please tag me and use <.......> There may or may not be a limit of some kind on the amount of interactive moves per day Example: @The Orca <Walk to the ballroom> <Pick up chair> <Hit Woz in head with chair> <Search bannister for something helpful> <Stab Woz with a lead pipe I found on Outpost> Anything you find will be announced in thread and could be potentially used during the interactive phase or night phase or anytime (this part will not be revealed except to the specific person) Example PM- to come later Have FUN I reserve the right to change or edit the rules/game how i see fit I will screw up somewhere for sure so take it easy on me lol
  3. Player List 1. Forge @Forge 2. Malf @Malfatron Psycho, Good Aligned 00. Slappy @Slappy Mc The Birds, Good Aligned 4. Whicker @Whicker (Rags) 5. Bcb @bcb1213 The Exorcist, Good Aligned 6. Dome @Dome Poltergeist, Good Aligned 7. KSJ @kingseanjohn 8. Naz @Nazgul The Purge, Good Aligned 9. Mwil @MWil23 (Alive ) Jaws, Good Aligned 10. Matts @Matts4313 Pet Sematary, Good Aligned 11. Nacho @TheKillerNacho Cabin in the Woods, Good Aligned 12. Swag @SwAg A Nightmare on Elm Street, Evil Aligned 13. Pickle @Pickle Rick 14. Racks @rackcs IT, Good Aligned 15. Llama @Llamalover Hellraiser, Good Aligned 16. Mission @mission27 (Llama 2.0) 17. Daboyle @daboyle250 Frankenstein, Good Aligned 18. Counselor @Counselor 19. Squire @squire12 20. Touch @theuntouchable Paranormal Activity, Creepy Aligned 21. Mega Ron @Mega Ron (Nacho 2.0)- Dawn of the Dead, Creepy Aligned 22. Jason @jasonwbantle 23. VMD @VikeManDan The Pyramid, Good Aligned 24. ww @wwhickok Child's Play, Good Aligned 25. Kotn @KOTN-93 (Racks 2.0) Halloween, Good Aligned 26. Cheese @Cheesehawk Overlord, Evil Aligned 27. ET @ET80 The Shining, Good Aligned 28. N4L @N4L
  4. I will be hosting this game around October 20th. I am wanting 25+ players to enjoy in this massacre of revengeful proportions. This game is not your ordinary standard mafia and will have many creative interactive aspects that will add to the blast...of fun 1. Each night you will vote for a lynch 2. That person is locked and has until the next night to answer a word association type question correctly or die 3. Everybody will be placed in the house and be forced to make at least 1 interactive move a day. Failing do to so will result in harsh punishments 4. The interactive phases can and will correlate with the mafia game. It is one big game...so beware All of the above is subject to change...depending on how the next month goes
  5. I'll take double the standard payment in mine...due to being the MVP of the last game
  6. Cool . As the friendly other...let's stick together this game
  7. This is my character...I am a friendly other...for realsies
  8. So I am planning on running my game around October 20th. I am planning on it being a big game and will probably put up the signups soon just so I dont have to scramble to get the numbers. Hopefully there are a few games run between now and then if anyone wants to run some
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