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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Yep you are scum preventing Touch from fulfilling his revival and helping town...but dont mind me you dunce
  2. Bcb If you are just gonna trust Swag a d Malf then lets trust him
  3. Says you can use 2 night moves on the same night...totally checks out. Swags cleared. Town to the core I quit. Swag and touch are cleared. Never saw this before. 100% confirmed clear now. It's right here in writing. Sorry @theuntouchable Swag isn't scum because this says you can buy a drink and use an ability given to you and use your night move all in the same night. Nacho is cleared to cause he was asked if he wanted to use a drink move but didn't actually use 2 moves. Confirms Swag story fully. Everyone you can use 2 moves a night!!!
  4. So Swag your ability is to protect Danger and it was motivated, so you protected him 2 times on N1 and N2....but you also were able to use a 2nd move on N2 that killed Rags and Touch SWAG
  5. Lol...I want vengance... you did me dirty last game and Swag needs to be lynched then Bcb
  6. You would count as a visit...I checked before using it. I wanted to make sure you jailed him and if not have proof if he killed
  7. I used the motion detector on Swag and at least 1 person visited him Nacho
  8. 1. Bcb claimed he bought a Dragons breath Mead and got a track 2. Nacho bought a Dragons breath Mead and got a jailkeep 3. Orca bought a Dragons breath Mead and got a jailkeep 4. VMD bought the cheap mead I think and got a track 2 people bought the same drink and got the same move. A 3rd bought the same drink and got a more basic move that someone got for buying the cheapest drink. Is a track on 2 levels of drinks? Are the drinks somehow random so me and Nacho could get the same move and Bcb a different? Now that the upper level drinks are bought out, does this mean there are set moves per drink, or just a set amount of drinks?
  9. I used the motion detector I think claiming the jailkeep is useful because it goes back again to Bcb claiming he got a track out of the same drink we got. Doesnt make sense if VMD got a track out of level 1 and Nacho and me both got jailkeeps out of the drink Bcb said he got a track. I still am leaning that its somehow random...but with drinks being bought out maybe not Yep...you gonna ask why lol?
  10. N1 I bought a Dragons Breath Meade...it was a jailkeep N3 I bought a Honningbrew Mead...it was a motion detector
  11. Nah, Carl is fishing I have been hard after me grog of mead this game. 2 times it has paid off well imo. Going back for thirdsies eventually. I'm addicted to that stuff
  12. Its possible... I also have a theory.... Pickle has had a history of pointing the finger before being lynched as scum...and it's been fake I believe. What if he reverse psychologied it this time and pointed at Swag thinking no one would believe him (though Swag has been lock scum since he claimed to be basically converting on D1) Just a thought that I have been floating around my brain the last 30 min or so
  13. You keep digging your own hole. You are lock scum and I'm lynching only you tomorrow
  14. Coming from the guy who claimed he was protecting a dead scum at night...yeah who is really the dunce lmao. Try to actually read the thread once in a while
  15. So Swag was told by Dome he did something else that he didnt put in as his move...killing Touch He implies motivation wouldnt be selective on moves But now the motivation cant work at all on this so called body guard protection of a scum Danger Lmao I think this deserves a
  16. @SwAg who else did you protect N1 on top of Danger? If your move is to auto protect Danger and your were motivated that move should have been randomized elsewhere according to @Counselor
  17. Does it only work on active moves...for example, it wouldnt work to give me another revive if the revive has already been used?
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