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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. How can I be assured?...since I am in the tracks of Whicker now regardless with his blood lust for innocent indys
  2. So...if I hit scum tonight...will you all let me live tomorrow or no?
  3. #1 issue is posting PMs by the host...shouldnt happen (not role PMs), cause then the host should PM everyone at night so they can fake it and a snafu like forgetting to send a PM doesnt impact decisions and thread play (just an ovbservation) Posting role PMs...I kind of like though
  4. And why, since you used it on Whicker and you all discussed in thread, would he not immediately know you were lying about me visiting Counselor coming from you...scum or its Whicker's move
  5. I'm innocent...not evil at all...totally bad rap I have received
  6. Oh I agree...I didnt play well minus D1 imo thread wise. Multiple people were on me
  7. If you watch player A...you see who visits player A...not if player A is killed performing a move at Player Ys place That's is what's watcher has always been to me
  8. I hit counselor... Rags watched Dome...a watcher should only see who targets a player not a player that kills him when he jumps in front of another player @Malfatron that is what I have never seen Now you both feel bad
  9. Dont forget to scum hunt while quick lynching me tomorrow
  10. So @Malfatron what do you think? Better or worse than the one I had?
  11. I wasnt caught...I was caught when an unforeseen mechanic nabbed me
  12. @Malfatron I had this in the quoted PM from Racks and almost posted it. It is a masterpiece imo @rackcs this should have been my fake claim Welcome to Derry The Orca! You areā€¦ Paul Sheldon, Misery-Aligned You are the author of the Misery Chastain novel series. Before you became a writer you lived in the small town of Derry. There you had a neighbor that was friends with your mother. The neighbor was Mrs. Kaspbrak. Mrs. Kaspbrak is the mother of Eddie. Later in life when certain events took place that resulted in your imprisonment and torture by Annie, you had a writing retreat near the Overlook Hotel. This Hotel was the key centerpiece in The Shining, where a caretaker tried to murder his family. You are tasked with outliving the Shining-Aligned player, but to win you must also survive to the end of the game. If you both survive to the end you kill each other and both lose. Win Condition: Outlive the Shining-Aligned player and survive to the end of the game Night Action: None You may communicate with: Nobody
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