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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Let's look at the claims so far Nacho handed out swords..not the converter Malf handed out armor...not the converter Orca revived Touch...not the converter Counselor motivating ...not the converter Racks drink tokens Carl pardon VMD vanilla I think he said The bottom 3 is where a converter would be if we assume Danger wasnt the converter which he may have been At least 1 of these 3 are Erik for sure Racks, Carl, VMD
  2. Which parts? I'll go back and try to condense what they claimed. I dont see Swoosh making it up if he was the only person in his faction (which it died with him). The way he posted and the tone he used seemed like he was genuine...Pickle is harder to nail down though since he was all over the place
  3. Swag had to be lynched to get Touch back fully. Now that someone killed him, Touch is a little stumpy I also fully believed he was a recruiter. It lines up with the claims by Swoosh and Pickle (2 seperate factions) and Swag said he was gonna make us all little wolfies on D1 before anything was revealed. I thought Pickle was reverse playing the hard push of Swag...which most usually think is fake and I thought Pickle was doing it for real cause he knew he was scum (with him or the other faction like he said)
  4. @theuntouchable Hey stumpy, I tried my best to get Swag lynched. At least you can talk and help us win Who do you think is the scum in Orc and Erik factions? At least 1 in each left I believe
  5. What would you like to know? @carl_sjunior which names did you give Dome for the group alignment invest?
  6. If you spent it all on your last drink...including that night, how many nights is how many tokens you have. If you spent it all last night, you would have 1 token right now
  7. 9 people voting not including Touch that's 10 ...math hard for you?
  8. You claiming the doctor now lol? Your story keeps changing
  9. There is 9 people (10 including Touch), how are we close to lynch or lose?...you that close to winning Swag?
  10. Distancing yourself like you know Bcb is town now lol. I tried to get you lynched...you even claimed converter on D1 saying you were gonna make us all good little wolfies after claiming you were a werewolf. No one stayed committed today like the whole plan was (that's suspect) and the Gators play at 7...so lets see if you are right on BcB who you have claimed forcefully is town and scum both repeatedly hedging on the outcome...You are scum and the only way to prove it to some of these people looks like it is to limit the numbers and options available...so let's do that...if someone can kill cap Swag in between the eyes PLEASE DO SO
  11. You cant...if touch wasnt town it would say @theuntouchable was brought back to life... it his character name and GREEN!!!!
  12. Swag is a pos that is just coasting to a win as a claimed cult leader and killer...but thread cred over the games cause he use big big words and says bull**** all day
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