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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I havent declared anything, but keep up your false mischaracterizations in an attempt to fake scum hunt...its your obvious scum tell
  2. Whicker and Swag say kill Orca....Orca posts gif in reply about murdering them...Swag howls like his scum tell saying Orca is scum by making an accusation that would apply to himself and at least 10 others
  3. So cooperating to you, is handing you the pee suit no questions asked...lmao. Scum Swag is howling again this game
  4. Isnt everyone scum? Everyone is indy right? Swag scum slipped...call it a day. Hit this man and win a prize
  5. I'm not scum.... I will wipe the game of scum...that includes you
  6. I disagree. It did not read like that to me. I'd say it read as more of a reaction to how it played out versus the result
  7. Whoever kills Swag I'll vote for you to get the Pee suit the rest of the game
  8. Interesting. Clearly Malf, Nacho, and Swag are scum together and Malf is appealing to people to keep him alive
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