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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Late switches to Pickle after votes went off both Pickle and Nacho...will be interesting
  2. Well Forge was last one on....let's see what happens.. you seem to be panicking now
  3. Tie baby...let's see what happens.. funny you immediately say I'm scum though
  4. Nope...but it is funny. I'm still betting you tried hitting Naz
  5. @Ragnarok @Nazgul @TedLavie @Utley Since in my game where mutiple scum took advantage of rules by not having to vote or post (roleblock then death as punishment) and given this game is similar where if you dont vote for consecutive days you will be killed. I'd wager 1 of these people are scum
  6. So you want Pickle...then lock your vote on Matts 2 min later....why? Malf says no locking and you immediately go back to Pickle while thanking Malf...why? So you never wanted to lock your vote...or didnt want to vote Matts? Utley
  7. @MWil23 This is saying your points about not voting you were defensive...seriously what is up with everyone not understanding the context. Do I need to just use gifs and 2 words or less lmao
  8. 1. 2. Unless someone soft claims a move I have no idea anything this game 3. Do what? I did not. Making pointed lists are really good at keeping track of ideas inside a big post. Making 3 points or 50 isnt being defensive
  9. I thought it was a success...so lmao de·ba·cle /dāˈbäk(ə)l,dəˈbäk(ə)l/ Learn to pronounce noun a sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco.
  10. Dome...I'm not saying anything about what they thought...I have and will continue to say...I posted in the chatty he wasnt real a lot. That's all I said and have meant. You are taking those words and Swag as well as I am saying they thought he was real...I do not and did not. They did bring him up a few times for whatever reason. I'm dont care why they did or not. I've only be saying the entire time is that I SAID be wasnt real. Anything anyone told you or didnt has no bearing on what I posted or said this game about it. How you both mistook my point is beyond me at this point. My point was that I pointed it out in the chatty when he was brought up. The discussion this game was because someone mentioned something like people going back to chatties to discuss things and pointing things out. I used last game as an example. The discussion for whatever reason was Pwny in the chat...so I said he wasnt real in the chat....end point. Do you follow...if not we can discuss after th game cause it's getting annoying again
  11. You annoyed me yesterday...so I took up drinking at all hours now as a result
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