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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. It means you can't help out a partner, like I'm sure the tag teams can lol
  2. Daboyle is Kurt Angle- killed scum, shown in writeup. Almost assured town KSJ is Jericho- killed in writeup as well, almost assured town as well Wolf- claimed Bubba of the Dudley tag team, most likley town sided as well. His partner should speak up to confirm, but I think I know who it is Neither of those result in scum dying Only option would be Wolf or No lynch
  3. But you don't care to even ask or find out via some 5 seconds of research?
  4. So a wrestler is the tag team partner with a person he was never a tag team partner with?
  5. That you as a host interject yourself in the thread where it isn't warranted. I made a comment, could have been constructive criticism, could have been strategic game wise, could have been just a dig at the host, could have been just wanted to discuss long nights with the other players why we wait...but you needed to respond directly to the post in a hostile manner So
  6. I'll assume this checks out. For some reason I think Matts killed Gopher, so defeating the tag teams track imo. Which would make you mostly town
  7. You are the lovable hostile type. The one that does it in jest. Mwil is Fun hosting duo
  8. "Hell's Gate is a wrestling submission move it is a variation of a gogoplata the move was first used by The Undertaker in 2008 before it became kayfabe banned. As this move can cause the wrestler taking the move to cough up blood it is only used by highly trained professionals." "WWE professional wrestler The Undertaker began using a variation of the move in January 2008 on SmackDown against Big Daddy V, which would cause Big Daddy V and other opponents to sometimes spit blood from their mouths" So someone used a move that wasn't in the Attitude Era? Or is this an attempt to clear yourself cause you are The Undertaker
  9. 4 names on a scum list doesn't imply that all 4 are scum...but you know this
  10. Town Orca- Innocent Child, town Daboyle- town, Kurt Angle Doom- townish, though very sketchy move targets and reveals Scum Squire Deadpulse Malf KSJ Unknown Wolf Forge Nacho
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