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  1. I am in Spain but the S is silent. This is the darkest timeline.
  2. hi does someone have the 100k job thread from the old forum bookmarked its important ok thanks
  3. I got confused and thought this was a forum about real football and found a safe haven
  4. Wonder what team you think should have been in pot 1 over them...
  5. It's ok dome, I forgive you. I only ever left the soccer forum to play mafia anyway
  6. Dp91 for forgetting me I was only gone like...three years. C'mon man, thought we went way back
  7. Haven't been on the site in about a year, gonna sit this one out and see if I stick around. Wouldn't be fair to join and chance going inactive and getting autokicked for missing votes Next one if I do though
  8. I thought we had something special back in the day 😒 Or are you not dp and this is getting awkward
  9. If I stick around this time, I will make my triumphant return to mafia that you all have been waiting for. No promises
  10. https://imgur.com/a/EiQGZWX Is it time to step down from Barcelona yet?
  11. I'm actually not surprised as everyone else was about Ronaldo. His comments after three cl final werecpretty telling to where his head was at imo
  12. This is a website and not just a soccer page?
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