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  1. I'm of the opinion that zone (along with getting pressure) is the best coverage against this Dolphins offense. They'd wreck man coverage. But Joe Wood's baby dookie-soft zone is a different thing entirely.
  2. Don't want to trade for a QB. I'm cool with Brissett for most of the year. If we were gonna trade then I'd flip a late round pick to Philly for Gardner Minshew. He's only getting paid 2.5 million. I don't want any part of Garoppolo and his 24 million.
  3. I'm sure any "hearsay" negatively impacting Deshaun would be gobbled up by you on the other hand. It's not being treated as fact - it's being treated as information. No one here has declared Deshaun is absolved of any wrongdoing against that woman - I'm not sure why that's the crutch you're falling down on. I think people are taking the information that is presented to use and trying to apply it to their understanding of the situation. Likewise, I could say the same about you - you're plugging your ears to any information that run contrary to the idea that Watson might not be the scary monster you've already created him to be. With your approach, we can't trust ANYTHING. Were you present during the depositions? Maybe the allegations aren't what you think they are. Maybe the transcript of the depositions contained errors. Maybe the media reporting on the court documents were misinformed. Maybe everything you read/heard about Deshaun's alleged interactions are hearsay. Maybe you called Deshaun a serial rapist before and aren't comfortable with the details that have emerged throughout this entire process. Maybe, maybe, maybe - if you're generally this type of person I feel sorry for you, but I think we both know you're taking this approach only because the information at hand is rattling the credibility of one of the women. But I get it. You're probably emotionally tilted from some personal experience and extremely incapable of processing information that might show that you're wrong about something. I don't like Deshaun myself and believe he should get 8-17 games, but that doesn't mean I'm going to adopt some rudimentary, binary mindset and assume everything alleged against him is fact, while plugging my ears to any information that would assert otherwise. That's madness - I don't see how people live their lives without nuance.
  4. Her son didn't account of her feelings. He accounted of words she said. He said she was complimentary of Deshaun and then tried to silence him if he spoke about it. He was not projecting her feelings. This isn't a "her son vs. her" dispute. She is accusing Deshaun, Deshaun is denying it. A third party (her son) made claims that would call into question the sincerity of her allegation. And it wasn't just "third party" it was someone on HER side. That's not "crazy", that's information. Information is about the only thing we can obtain from stuff like this unless we somehow found video evidence of every single encounter Deshaun has had. If Deshaun's girlfriend was heard saying anything that would seemingly conflict with Deshaun's stance on a case, would you sit here and try to dismiss it as "third-party doesn't get credit" or would you consider it as additional information that may shed more light on what actually transpired?
  5. I guess I don't understand the stance. Feel free to quantify it if you'd like (70% chance Josina's source is right, 30% chance it isn't), but this certainly will affect that plaintiff's credibility. If you heard third hand that there's audio evidence your wife is cheating on you, you're probably going to investigate it or at least take it seriously lol. Don't see how anyone can just handwave it away and pretend Josina's tweets are meaningless just because "It isn't hard proof".
  6. Do you understand how witness/third-party testimony works? It's evidence, bro. Josina's source, being involved in the hearing, has said that the NFLPA presented audio evidence of the son saying his mom not only was complimentary of Deshaun, but intent on silencing him about said compliments. If you're expecting video evidence of the encounter in question then you're a bit out of touch with reality. This strongly impacts the credibility of that one woman, which is why it was brought forth in the disciplinary hearing.
  7. Josina's tweets aren't really news to me. Hardin already filed court documents claiming he had evidence on a lot of women based on their interactions with friends/families after their encounters with Deshaun. Deleted accounts, text messages, etc... all showing a celebratory/bragging nature for quite a bit of them. And it sounds like Deshaun's team may have had evidence against the 5 women the NFL used in the disciplinary hearing. Just because we are in the dark on that evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist. In the very least, this recent leak suggests he could be telling the truth. With all that said, maybe Hardin was full of ****. It's entirely possible, though I'm not sure why he would actual file court paperwork with those claims if he was full of ****. Generally you let the **** air out in the media so you don't have to substantiate it. Florio speculates that Watson's team is going to be aggressive within the next few weeks to soften the landing of public opinion blowback from news of a smaller suspension. There's a chance today's tweets were just the beginning. At the end of the day, we just gotta wait and see.
  8. For me, it strongly asserts that the one woman is lying, or highly embellishing on her interaction with Deshaun. I'm not sure taking a shot at Josina's credibility does you any favors. No one's perfect and she could be wrong but she's one of the more reputable reporters out there.
  9. This is true from a moral standpoint. When discussing punishment the quantity absolutely matters. One unsubstantiated sexual misconduct allegation likely wouldn't generate as much public outrage and lead to a bigger punishment as 24 would.
  10. Restructure, restructure, restructure. As long as the owner is willing to pay in escrow (and all indications are that he is), then the situation isn't quite as problematic as you might think. It'll be important to get some value out of the draft and hit on some of those 2-4th round picks. Snowballing would only be problematic for a couple years - generally when players start underperforming their contracts or getting older. That's when you trade them for draft capital (mid rounders, etc...), become a middle-of-the-pack team (still have your cornerstone pieces), and recover from the salary cap. Then it's wash, rinse, repeat. Open up a new window for 3-4'ish years, push down more cap, etc.... and have another 2 year'ish window where you're not a real contender but you're recovering from the salary cap. I don't think people truly understand how salary cap management works and assume any collection of big contracts are just gonna ruin a team for decades to come.
  11. Almost certainly. Jack Duffin called it pretty closely: You're looking at a 4 million 2022 cap hit (takes us from roughly 19 million to 15 million), 7 million in 2023.
  12. For a situation that never saw him indicted, at most he's probably suspended 8 games (whether 2022 or 2023). Possibly as low as 4 games. From an organizational standpoint, it's not a bad investment for a borderline top 6'ish QB you'd expect to have for the next 10 years.
  13. Navigating the cap takes skill, but I don't think it'll be much of a problem. All the of the Browns young talent are signed for awhile now: Chubb signed through 2024 (FA in '25) Cooper signed through 2024 (FA in '25) Newsome signed through 2024 (FA in '25/rookie deal) JOK signed through 2024 (FA in '25/rookie deal) Bitonio signed through 2025 (FA in '26) Teller signed through 2025 (FA in '26) Garrett signed through 2026 (FA in '27) Watson signed through 2026 (FA in '27) Ward signed through 2027 (FA in '28) As for Ward's skill - he's an multi pro bowler who plays at an elite level. If anything, he's one of the more underrated players in the league. His biggest issue is his ability to stay healthy, as he has averaged just 14 games per season in his career. Those soft tissue injuries (hamstrings mainly) will have him miss a game or two here and there.
  14. This isn't really much of a concern on my part. Golf is an entirely different beast - it's a solitary and individualized sport that requires immeasurable amounts of concentration, focus, and precision. Football has a ton of moving parts and the QB position is supported by the players around them. Make a couple reads, throw the ball. I know QB is regarded as the most difficult position in team sports and I agree, but I strongly doubt the "noise" would cause Watson to lose his ability to play football. He'll be fine.
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