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Dune 1984 vs Dune 2021


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I never have seen the original Dune film before, I love Sci Fi movies but outside of this new one coming out I would have never looked at and watched the original.  I would say though despite not being very well known at all, that original was a pretty solid film considering the age.








In the remake, Rebecca Ferguson is a knockout, love her face and her look so she was a big boost to the film, Timothee Chalamet is a great young actor and is easily one of the best.  He has a long track list of a solid films no question and is super key to the future films with him on board. Jason Momoa fit the role as did Brolin etc.  Stellan Skarsgard is awful though as the villain and that does change the entire vibe of the film and any "evil" villain scene in the new Dune just seemed to be lacking and he was not a good villain at all.



In the original Virginia Madsen is absolutely gorgeous in the start of the film and put down the story right away and gave one context to everything, it was so key to that original one and helped carry it.  The new Dune did not really do that nearly as well so one was lost, not to mention it was so long and some parts were very slow.  The new one has visuals the older one could not touch however so there is that.  


Brad Dourif was solid in the original, even Sting was not bad at all as one of the Villain's, Patrick Stewart was solid as well in the film.  Kenneth McMillan as the Baron was the major difference in the two films.  Skarsgard was terrible in that role, McMillan as the Baron was unique, interesting, gross and just a damn cool villain.  The fact he was a big fact gross dude flying around with that evil laugh, that is interesting and was a great villain which totally changed the vibe of the film and helped carry it.


I must say with all the green backgrounds and leather shinny jackets, sure looks like The Matrix and Dark City stole that look from the original 1984 Dune that is for sure.  Very similar styles and despite not having great graphic ability there are many scenes in the original Dune which are very good.  Has that Neo Noir look that other films absolutely built off of.  All based off a book written in 1965, that is wildly impressive I must say, might have to check into that.



Hopefully in the future Dune films they will improve it a bit and improve the villain but not sure how they will pull that off if Skarsgard is still the character.  The use of the desert and sand is nice because one can get some easy visuals with the sand acting as if it was water and the waves, also helps set the tone of the environment as well.  Will be interesting how the new Dune films play off what the old ones did, sure there can be improvements not doubt but unless that villain is not greatly improved it could be lacking.    Kenneth McMillan's Baron is just really damn interesting as a bad guy no doubt about it.


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22 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

No opinion until part 2 comes out. 

True, but honestly what did you think of Stellan Skarsgard as the Baron?  I thought compared to the original it was a massive, massive letdown.  Not to mention it being so dark which is just a pathetic way for films now a days to save money and spend more money on big name actors and digital effects, freaking turn the lights off of half the film and call it unique or artistically done.  


I thought the original Baron was a great villain!  Sure some odd parts of that film and cheesy animation attempts but something about that fat evil dude flying around, that was cool, curious did he do that in the book?

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