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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Yep, that's why I said my word choice was intentional. Im not Jedi. Can't be more clear here...so can we move on
  2. Difference from sussed out eventually probably to fact here and now
  3. I was driving lol Motti is Galactic Hans Solo is a Rebel Lando is a Scoundrel Yoda is Jedi These characters are in the game
  4. I'm not a Jedi. Didnt know they were a seperate alignment or I would have included it in the life detector
  5. Do you want my help or not? In order for me to help, you need to trust me. I even played lie detector with you
  6. Lmao. Nope on most of this . The song was "Fly me to the Moon" You all want my help or not?
  7. Lol Just tag me if and when town wants my input Thanks mwil for the info. Could help town out on some things
  8. There is like 20 people alive...lets get some more talk about this. It is important.
  9. We will get there or I can go back into the shadows lol. Question was posed above
  10. Well i believe Blue based on the mini game So...let me ask this Who between these people do you think is rebel or fake Motti Hans Solo Lando Ama whatever
  11. But if you all are fine getting obliterated...I'll stick to the shadows
  12. I mean at some point town lost its way. A rebel is staring them in the face
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