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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I get that perspective, but there is no getting past it unless you accept there is no cheating and the "trust" is no different than what other people have with other posters. Counselor and Mwil trust each other no matter what, @bcb1213 got the entire BDL to vote me one game on a silent "fake invest" cause they were the BdL. No one will vote Swag or Touch D1, Racks just follows Swags vote 90% of the time etc (I can go on for pages with this stuff). What's the difference? Imo there is none. I just wont vote Pickle D1. Mwil wont vote like 10 people D1. People wont vote Swag D1 cause he is good. These perspectives and biases and viewpoints are seen in everything and are part of the game. How can we change it other than only 1 of us play?
  2. @Ragnarok and @theuntouchable this is also a large reason for the gloating during and post game
  3. Thanks for the input 1. If people dont want the precieved notion of ganging up, dont lump us together or attack both of us. Heck, a mod basically just called me out and said he politely talked to me via PM, which he hasnt, no mod has. If people want change you cant have a giant disconnect like that. Like, what am I suppose to know or change if people dont use specifics. Apparently saying personal vendetta is a no no. I got it (though i disagree)and wont say it anymore 2. Change what tone? If it's only precieved that we are doing something that needs changing how can we change it if it's actually not what is happening? 3. It wont matter because people will get their wish and I wont speak in future games for a while, but it's good to know so maybe if I know the point i can try to change. I also dont agree that people need to change because they are annoying, but that's another discussion entirely imo
  4. Thanks for the input. I'll try to do it more when I start using words in games again
  5. Agreed and I think if you like it, you should know I did exactly what he was suggesting. Did I break after being called awful repeatedly, yes. Did I go overboard or break the rules, I dont believe so. Could have I handled it differently, sure. I avoided Mwil over and over and refused to answer. I went back at him after I reached a certain point, and I made it a point to use the words he did. I accept some blame in the back and forth, but I'm willing to bet no one had a problem when it was just him saying it. What changes when I dont accept the "bullying"? If you want to look at how I am with Matts and Swag at different points in time a common difference has emerged between then and now. I wont say it, but I believe 100% it should be clear
  6. The bottom was directed towards me cause I wouldnt answer a question and after a while it was replied back to them. If no one has a problem with the first person, you cant say it's wrong on the 2nd person and not call out the first person
  7. The core of my only PMs to Bucs (like 6 messages total lol) was how some people take things one way and others another. It was not meant to be condescending and where we are from it's a degree of nicety. It was an attempt to be nicer not condescending in the time following the mafia ban The other issue I raised, was I used the terms for like a month plus and not one person said a word about it in any manner or medium. How did it suddenly become a problem? If you want to be under the stance that its condescending and that's bad, calling someone failtown, awful, garbage, etc over and over doesnt get your attention? Why didnt people complain to mods about that? Its cause of who used it and who it was directed towards. Double standard hypocrisy imo
  8. When we tried, mods got called in cause sweetie and buttercup annoyed people and offended people. I cant believe that is an actual statement lol You see the issue here. I've also tried not talking in games and that annoyed people. What can I do that doesnt annoy people, cause that's really the issue people are having imo
  9. I've tried that but when someone is getting lynched and either me or Pickle are a part of it...that argument in some manner gets thrown around probably at an asinine clip
  10. But either way it helps to know specifics. @Ragnarok and Touch (indirectly) talked to me about something specific and i tried to change that This is probably at the core of the fight back and annoyingness in arguments and discussions
  11. If you want to say going back and forth is part of the precieved grudge...sure maybe. But it's not a vendetta But I dont and never try to get someone killed and out of the game just to do it regardless of alignment and a detriment of the game I explained that the "reasons" used to push your lynch and Swag were all legit and some were correct. I've also admitted some may have been biased based on certain things said or done by you and Swag. After a little bit and learning how you all play those improved, the reads improved, and gameplay improved It's not how you described because I would rather have won the game than get you (or him) lynched. Did I want to be right absolutely who wouldnt. But it was always a legit read/push on the fact that i was soley playing the game. It also wasnt every vote, every post, every thought for months. This is where the biggest difference lies imo with what went on then and now
  12. I did and explained why it was different than the Mwil situation. Were you out of the game at that point? I can explain it again if need be
  13. Ok, so I understand and understood your thinking and do thank you for pointing that out then. I'm not sure you ever told me specifics though
  14. 1, your not a Mod (that's my gripe currently) 2, that was like a year plus ago 3, wasnt the core of the reason was cause i was annoying
  15. Extracting the word vendetta and explaining a vendetta amount to the same thing though right? I wont say it any more and it wont be a problem because I won't use words. It's fine. Everyone will get a silenced Orca/gif Orca, so there wont be a problem (until someone PMs a mod that they find that annoying lol). I dont like Mods saying they have PMd me when they havent. It adds to the issues at hand
  16. I hold no vendettas and I always play the game to win
  17. Well, let's add something else as well lol I havent recieved 1 PM from any person about what I have done wrong, might have done wrong, could do better etc. You want to call me out in the thread and say you have tried being polite in PMs...SEND ME ONE. Dont lie to save face in thread The only time you have said anything and there was any PMs was in Swags game where someone didnt like buttercup. You quoted me in thread and told me to stop (all I did was define the different terms used)...I PMd you and you told me it was because you didnt want things to escalate and continue That's it. No Mod or person has come to me with not 1 thing, not 1 attempt to politely tell me what I did wrong, what I need to avoid, what post was bad, what line of discussion was over the line. Not 1 time!!! (Discussing gloating doesnt count, but I stopped that when it was politely asked of me by people including a mod) You want to say you have politely tried PMs, maybe try it before you want to call me out in thread To summarize the only thing anyone has talked to me about is I was gloating too much...let that sink in. Only time a mod sent me a PM was when I asked what I did wrong and they told me nothing, just didnt want the back and forth to continue and escalate
  18. Everybody likes Mission, I think that is the big difference
  19. I've done nothing wrong in the games that were restarted since the Swag/Rags debacle. If you have a specific post you think breaks the rules...show me. If you have something specific I've done that breaks the rules show me. I need to know what I did wrong in order to fix it (saying someone is voting me cause of a vendetta is not wrong, its within the rules and its 100% part of the game) That said, it wont be a problem going forward cause im not using words. @Matts4313 sorry buddy, I tried this in the past and you didnt like it, but if "people" have a problem in a game based on arguments with me talking, I wont be talking. A few people will get their way and enjoy the game in their image Bucs you should read the games before commenting on what people PM you and other Mods
  20. It's all good. But we probably should post in your thread
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