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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Are we going to have a bench or no? @mission27
  2. I liked the ones I won, the basketball one, the Mario kart one as well
  3. Isnt that what you do when you get to the final 2 anyways?
  4. Every person I aligned with quit. Like 6 total. Seriously . There were 16 in the game. I think something is wrong with me
  5. A Purge style game could work, got some thoughts rolling now I think @Shady Slim is up though with Big Brother Aussie style
  6. @JoshstraDaymus Congrats!!! Great job @TedLavie Awesome job hosting @Pickle Rick!!!
  7. He could break every bone and they would still roll him out there over crab boy
  8. Both, but a table of Whicker, Forge, Pickle, Orca, Swag, Matts would be epic
  9. I vote for Josh to win Josh and Ted you were both extremely worthy opponents and deserved the top 2. Congrats!!! @JoshstraDaymus @TedLavie
  10. You keep passing up the rum...I'm getting worried about you
  11. Yes, an example of constructive criticism that just wasnt plausible or remotely right imo. Why do you need a name?
  12. I told you the specifics, do you need a name? I can tell you at any point, but I'm not sure they want to be dragged into this and it's not right for me to do so
  13. @Matts4313 This is probably my biggest issue personally other than the twin thing. If you are keeping track lol
  14. I usually do and will try to do so again in the future. I dont think it will help, but I will try (when i do use words again)
  15. I'm not doing the research again, but I've lynched him/pushed him more than I have at least a few people. People have blinders and ignore it when it happens and the fact i really dont follow his vote a lot unless it just happens or I agree. So how do I change this precieved incorrect (from my pov and results imo) idea?
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