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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Definitely twisted joy...but I do believe there are 6 scum total, if not 7. 7 seems unlikley at this stage
  2. If your town you never do this Now if your scum it's fun to wait you out until you post your real role
  3. You didnt protect anyone N1, a guy who personally lead the death of the vig and Bcb N3. So yes, your logic is faulty by your own admission
  4. Better to policy lynch people wanting to be replaced
  5. @swoosh You are done in by protecting yourself 4 nights in a row. Last night especially, if you believed there are only 3 Lord Souls and only 3 people claimed. Swag cant die, Blue protected by Md4L and Tk3...your only job was to protect Tk3 and you failed protecting yourself. Then you say you did nothing N1, N2 you protected Dome after he lead the lynch of the Vig, N3 you say you protected Bcb which is the only believable move
  6. We need someone with some large you know what's to lead us
  7. Unless @MD4L @SwAg @bigbadbuff are on I dont think so
  8. Just for the few that need the confirmation This was on D3
  9. Do you know what the Lord Soul is and why it needs to be protected?
  10. And if the claims were real...Blue was protected, Swag protected, Tk3 protected by Swoosh....meaning they had to guess between us luke we wanted
  11. And why yourself last night and not a claimed Lord Soul?
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