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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. You really dont know how people play now do you Counselor named every member of the scum team and pushed to lynch them on like D1 one game. Once people figured it out the game was over though. Whicker did it once as well I believe. It happens...and more than you think
  2. Yep. I had the same thinking that game. It happens and happens more often than people think. Hell Matts didnt catch Forge....Forge gave up. Probably staged to make Matts look good
  3. I've won a game by basically doing this. Not neccesarily lead the lynch but I was the hammer (deciding vote on D1) when it was between Pickle (town) and mafia (mission). I was cleared the rest of the game and Fin (the other mafia) just tried to lynch me the whole game and we breezed to victory
  4. Agreed, but seriously Swag and Hobo dont forget. One survived a kill (lol) and the other has no night move (lol)
  5. I cant clear anyone or condemn anyone. I just think Swoosh is town or he has played it beautifully
  6. It's even better when you are actually unkillable indy
  7. Hobo and Swag...and Dome....and Matts. Lots left to sift through
  8. Let's talk. What productive thing do you wish to discuss
  9. Dont listen to Blue.......and Swoosh must die There is a Chosen Undead not in the discord chat Swoosh is the most powerful town Swoosh must die (or Bcb)
  10. Ronald Acuna Jr @holt_bruce81 you are up
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