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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I didnt like director picks honestly. Maybe its cause I'm not a huge fan of any directors in general, but I'd think you could get a good one any time
  2. Pandering for likes...wish there was a dislike button lol
  3. You should work less and be on FF more...its a recipe for success
  4. I'll take my leading lady Jennifer Lawrence @Deadpulse
  5. Cool. I'll get my pick in, probably in an hour or two
  6. @rackcs do you have a breakdown of what we are drafting (how many)/rounds
  7. Can I get a quick summation of what I am doing in this?
  8. Swag and Mwil last game I played lol Swag claiming a jailer conflicting with another jailer that couldnt possibly be real, but then switched to claim like 3 or 4 other things when I called him on it Then Mwil and his claim of janitored vig...claiming 25 different things and changing his claim and not knowing what the move actually was, then claiming he killed, then saying actually never mind he was roleblocked and redirected lmao Also that's the irony. You roasted me for my play that game and are taking the same stance this game about Forge's move. You sound exactly like I did that game. PS...I'm loving it
  9. It reminds me of someone else who claims like this...well two people lol. You do see the irony of all this right...please say someone else sees it lmao This move makes no sense unless it is A. Its a literal town roleblock B. You are scum and made the hit as well as the block C. Whatever crazy thing Malf is proposing D. It was a call early night move in some manner and some moves go in Forge
  10. Explain your move, cause you have used town role block, end night early, mass roleblock, etc You almost always post at the beginning of a hammer game to tag you/let you hammer...you didnt this time until one was close I believe Again you keep saying ended early, so not a mass roleblock This This
  11. You almost always start the game that way...this game you switched into that mode. Very different approach from your usual...hammertime stance from the outset imo
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