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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. 0 results found as well I have read and you havent...your main point is it leads to your death and you cant let "****" players ruin the game
  2. And neither of the bottom two is explicitly saying Mwil is town so we shouldnt lynch town...its how it impacts you and where you want the vote down the line
  3. This is the only time I found that you used those words But you did use these excuses
  4. If he flips town I'd consider Nacho way higher up the scum ladder But he actually hasnt said that as a reason...he used that it would put a target on his back since he would be cleared as a reason. If town wouldnt he say...hell no Mwil is town?
  5. What's the downside in lynching Mwil...you've been outed...it would clear you to the rest of town if Mwil is town...will confirm a scum death if Mwil is town...upside...you both are mafia and you get caught...based on thread play...you and Mwil are neon flashing lights scum with fireworks and a building explosion to top off the obviousness
  6. 1. It's a ghost town for the most part. Not much of anything being posted in there 2. What has been posted in the chat I like Nacho as town right now. Not a guarantee, but Masons are same alignment and Neighbors are potentially different alignments. 3. His thread play I read as town from him 4. I feel there are 5 mafia in a vote dynamic game where only having 1 total vote I think handicaps town. Having a 3 person Mason counteracts the vast advantage a large mafia with moves would have is how I feel the game is set up 5. On D1 I was playing full out that one of Naz or Nacho were scum...leaning Nacho 6. Right now I'd lean Naz over Nacho if there was 1 mafia between them 7. Again I am of the belief all 3 of us our town though 8. If you want to talk about the likelihood of things...that there is a town janitor vig is way lower than a 3 man mason given what I think the set up is .
  7. I have gone back and forth on this and dont believe this is accurate. It is plausible though. I believe the game was balanced to have 3 masons all being town Really Naz
  8. I wasnt privy to those conversations...but you were allied from the start with Fin and I called that from the few posts you did send me lol
  9. The more connected man won. Wish we could have worked together or hell I wish I could have played any of the games lol...but you were the better man for sure @Nazgul I think this really should have been a tie cause you played a masterful game and the move pulled at the end was breathtakingly awesome!!!
  10. Agreed That said, I could totally make an informed and unbiased decision since I followed the whole game and answers and had no allegiances/alliances because I was first to go...but in reality I should be the last in line but first in everyone's hearts
  11. Totally agree. That was just sleazy underhanded treachery Hope we are good now
  12. Your point is...you had a vendetta against brothers and instead of getting rid of someone who probably was gonna miss a jury vote no matter what, you voted out someone else so we still ended up where it should have been Close enough?
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