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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Well this has been 1 slow *** bad day Good luck town. Remember I'm the one who hit Counselor and the stuff about the stones may be helpful hopefully
  2. If there were no unknowns, wouldnt that be a super overpowered role in the hands of a scum group. My guess is Nacho nerfed it some to account for this
  3. Based on the how the runup to night went and subsequent flips...I'd lean town. Looking back it doesnt seem like you would be aligned with ET. Now you could be an Other/Indy, but at this time the likelihood of you being aligned with ET is low. Your post about Pickle is still worrisome, but others stand out way more imo
  4. Get with Nacho about that lol. I'm just giving everyone what I was told
  5. So I might as well dump my thoughts of my actions as well if my going out This is why I used my move on Counselor. He was all over the place which is usually his town MO (above votes not in order). But the voting of ET then flipping to Tk3 late seemed like he wanted to save ET (said as much imo). I was pretty neutral on his alignment, so he was worth using the mimed ability on him. It could have been a kill, a protect, roleblock, watch, track, invest, etc. Didnt know what was gonna happen. The vast wildcard nature made me want to intently figure out a neutral read to use my move on. That's why I ghosted. Needed to analyze everything in a different mindset than most moves are normally done based on
  6. Got any thoughts on what I was told about the move above? What do stones have to do with any this, who is Adramelk? Etc...
  7. Tk3 is known for wanting me or Pickle lynched D1...less so over the months. But has never referenced Pickle or myself as town on D1. Never a hint of it
  8. I am the Mime. 1. On Odd nights I target a randomly chosen player to mime their ability. That identity and ability is not given to me, but the number of targets is. 2. On Even nights I may use the mimed ability on a target(s) of my choosing N1 I mimed a player who targeted 1 person N2 I used the mimed ability on Counselor. I killed him. I was told I transformed into Adramelk after he appeared from an abyss and tore Counselor apart. When finished I grabbed for the Capricorn Holy Stone, but it was lost. I began to split from the Lucavi Adramelk as he was returning to the abyss in which he came, he grabbed at me and screamed that I wasnt Dycedarg and a mere mortal and that he would kill me. At the last second I split from Adramelk who returned to the abyss and I fell back to this realm
  9. @SwAg Having said the above and having taken a minute to compose myself, I fully believe you are not reading what I am saying and need a more concise context. My absence last night was strategic, 100%. It involved my move and I needed a very large understanding of the player base and interactions/votes to decide who to use it on. If you feel that is scummy then I have a problem with that from you 1. You haven't asked me for a detailed reason why, but have pushed it as the biggest basis of your reasoning behind me being scum 2. You say I was abstaining from being at the forefront of the lynch all game, that is incorrect. D1 I was pushing Squire a lot, even though I was tunneled in on him. He used a post before the game a 2nd time in scum hunting. That is a big red flag for me. Its lazy and shows a lack of wanting to look deeper into people's posts early in the game...just wanting to survive while appearing to be active. So I stayed on Squire 3. You ignore that you were early on the Malf train, but then say you were just following and refused to take the blame. That's just lazy as well imo. You abstained from taking any blame and pushed the blame to others on the line 4. Yesterday I moved on from Squire to TK3 because of his repeated posting that Pickle was town on D1. He has never done that ever. Something is up there. After that I didn't want any exceeded heat, so as night was approaching I left my vote on Tk3 and observed the thread. My move is a tricky one and hard to predict so I wanted to see and digest, rather than push for a specific lynch. I was happy with a Tk3 lynch, so my focus was better used on my move. I get it that its not a good look, but I felt it was in the best interest of town If you want to lynch me for ghosting at least do a complete job and acknowledge your own double standard in the definition and use in scum hunting
  10. I understand and completely believe you should play the game based on the knowledge available and dont fault you for pushing activity etc. You can never know what is going on IRL and for the most part I mostly believe people use excuses posted in thread to hide as scum. That's why I tend to leave out reasoning on my posting absences unless its a key time or I absolutely can not be available. Explore what you will, that should always be at the forefront of the game
  11. No. I was driving. Went somewhere personal and just got back
  12. So you are the only one who is allowed to ghost as any alignment? I have my reasons, yet you havent asked why 1 time...you just keep spinning parts of my posts to fit your narrative
  13. Next time you ghost...I'm lynching and killing you you hypocrite. I have my reasons for ghosting this game and explained them partly without giving away too much info Pickle has you pegged...you ghost all the time and ***** like a baby when get called on it saying it means nothing...now you are using it as a reason to lynch me even though I totally ghosted and admitted it was strategic.... Clear as day you are scum
  14. So we have Swag using ghosting as a reason for me being scum while acknowledging I did it last game as scum...but failing to realize I've admitted to ghosting for a reason and that he himself cries like a little ***** when Pickle calls him scum for ghosting and cries and ******* that it means nothing...this is such and easy decipher...SWAG IS SCUM Add in the fake arguements and no scum hunting for two days then pow he decides to play while making crap up Then add in I cant vote for him and someone's double vote is added to me Has anyone else tried voting Swag today? Maybe no one can vote him? Maybe te Maybe try to solve the game without bull**** lies knowing people just believe you at face value you lying sack of **** Abstaining is what you do. Not taking responsibility for the mislynches you are responsible for (Malf) while taking credit for the ET one...ask yourself why?...I know why...you bussed him and got rid of Malf by sitting back after voting and letting everyone else pile on...you abstained...hypocrite plain and simple. Your way to hide as scum
  15. No...you said I abstained from the lynch...you gonna lie to get an easy lynch do it on someone else cause im not taking your bull****. Answer my question you hypocritical dunce...what does ghosting tell you specifically?
  16. Interesting, how did that work out for me? Also, specifically what does ghosting tell you about someone? Another? Maybe go back and check your fake facts with your fake arguments then get back to be on abstaining Who did I vote D1, Who did I vote D2? You are not this inept as town
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