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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. If more than 1 person received an item would that change your mind?
  2. Why does PEDs make him scum? Its not your info from a move, so you have no idea. Its essentially a note giving role based on the info you have said. which is mostly seen as scum or indy to cause chaos. To lynch Nacho we have to trust you are telling the truth and the info given to you by somebody else is truthful. If Nacho is town who lied and who do we lynch? So many more options to where it went wrong. Now if Malf isn't von miller, Nacho lied and is the lynch. No added 3rd party aspect, that based on the OP is listed as Other guys How the info was obtained and presented I believe Nacho much more. Its his info that he obtained specifically via a move. There is no IFs, Maybes, and Buts on what the potential outcomes are and will be With your info, could be multiple players come up PEDs on each side, could be scum can frame as PED, could be scum or town giving a note just for ****s and giggles, could be some weird move that gives results to someone else. So many options
  3. The league office isn't town imo, most likely it's a note giving type role for chaos
  4. Don't believe info blindly, given to you by a 3rd party. Its something to consider in making decisions. Short of any other info if can be put towards the top, but this is far from that case
  5. I believe what Nacho is saying has some truth to it, but at the minimum Malf is in the mix of all things here Intentionally made the double lynch that was both town Right out of night when all eyes would be on Malf, Slappy comes up with a PED info ( @Slappy Mc please explain this) that points to Nacho. Why are PED's scum as well? Nacho uses a day invest and points to Malf as a specific character, Von Miller Malf and Slappy advocate another double lynch Start with Malf, don't screw around with double lynches Thread actions and info from Nacho point to Malf. Then we either know its 100% Nacho or 90% Slappy depending on the flip. If Malf is von miller we basically have 2 in the bag imo
  6. No. The vote is Malf League office is always out to screw the fans...
  7. NFL is a construct to appeal to the masses in order for college fans to continue to watch and cheer on their favorite players as they were too old for college. Then it became a money making scheme. All in all, the NFL is a copy cat league trying to match the popularity and appeal of the College game, but they never will. Go McPherson and Go Jefferson! That said, it will always be Go Gators!!!
  8. He will play. Been focused on fantasy baseball @Pickle Rick
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