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40 minutes ago, TheRealMcCoy said:

I'm just curious what you guys think since you are more knowledgeable on this stuff.

I want to lose like 40 lbs and get down from the 210+ range to like the low 170s and then put on some mass. 

 But, I always hear that the first year is the easiest time to put on lots of muscle. 

Would it be smarter to put on more muscle first and just shed body fat later on a cut or does it not really matter that much?

Not an expert or shredded by any means but I've never heard that you can put more muscle the first year. Maybe I've heard wrong. Honestly if you're exercising enough to put on muscle you should be exercising enough to lose fat at the same time. I don't know how you would gain muscle and not lose fat. Maybe others have better advice, but those have always gone hand in hand for me. 

One of the best pieces of advice I got was to not go on a diet... no, I'm not saying don't change your eating habits, but when people think of diets they think of something you do for a while then stop. Make your diet a lifestyle change. Cut out all the junk, no cheats, eat clean, eat lean, if you're gonna drink or eat bad foods go to the gym that day and go hard. Whenever I go to the gym I honestly get less hungry later in the day and am better able to control urges and such.

Really it's not a secret anymore how to get in shape, it's just a matter of how badly you want it. Just keep working at it and don't give up. Those days your mind is telling you to give up are the days you must absolutely tell that voice in your head to shut up.

Remember that gaining fat is a survival mechanism for your body. People with low fat% from an evolutionary standpoint likely won't survive a harsh winter. You're fighting thousands of years of evolution and primal survival when you're getting rid of your stored fat. Your brain has no idea why you're getting rid of that, so of course you're going to have those days where the last thing you want to do is work out or eat healthy. The first time you overcome that, the easier and easier it gets.

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11 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

@Phire same boat on the ACL and lifting heavy. Why i don't back squat. But i been finding if you squat on a bosu ball  either one legged or two with dumbbells you can get a incredible work out for your legs, all the stabilizing and balancing makes the tension so great, you can stimulate your legs as much as you would back squating with a lot of weight. Also standing dumbbell lunges are another one that brings in a lot of balance and movement, that even with out going heavy you can destroy your quads, hammys , glutes. Like i been doing ill only 3 sets of each and barely be able to drive stick home and it actually seems like its giving me some definition in my legs. 

I can actually back squat on my knee, but it's definitely sore the rest of the day. I've heard that they've improved ACL reconstruction recently... too bad we missed the boat haha.

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Just now, Phire said:

I can actually back squat on my knee, but it's definitely sore the rest of the day. I've heard that they've improved ACL reconstruction recently... too bad we missed the boat haha.

This was like 3 years ago but i went to a orthopedist and even 3 years ago he was like "yeah those early 2000's mid 2000's knee surgery were not good all, the worst ".

I had the hamstring graph which might of been the worst procedure to get so i'm already completely bone on bone , my knee hurts and is inflammed 24/7. 

They go about them so differently today and are so much smarter about it. Be night and day difference the entire procedure. 

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Just now, Bednarik60 said:

This was like 3 years ago but i went to a orthopedist and even 3 years ago he was like "yeah those early 2000's mid 2000's knee surgery were not good all, the worst ".

I had the hamstring graph which might of been the worst procedure to get so i'm already completely bone on bone , my knee hurts and is inflammed 24/7. 

They go about them so differently today and are so much smarter about it. Be night and day difference the entire procedure. 

When I got my knee repaired circa 2008-09, they told me that the hamstring/cadaver methods were no good and that I should use the middle third of my patella tendon. Pretty sure that's not considered the best method anymore lol. They're doing some crazy science stuff now.

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9 minutes ago, ninjapirate said:

butterflies is nice.


Been seeing some around here lately. Must be migrating. 

August, they are slowly creeping to the California coast, Baja Mexico and South America for the winter. 

Santa Cruz for instance is a massive migration spot for them in the winter, they have parks full of trees that are lined to every inch of the tree with butterflies. 



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1 minute ago, Phire said:

When I got my knee repaired circa 2008-09, they told me that the hamstring/cadaver methods were no good and that I should use the middle third of my patella tendon. Pretty sure that's not considered the best method anymore lol. They're doing some crazy science stuff now.

That is kinda what i heard/read about the patella, better the hamstring but still not good long term answer and they wouldn't do it today. 

I was just going say the future is manipulating your own blood to heal the body. That is interesting. Little sponge in there to saturate the area. I been interested of late in a lot of the Platelet Rich Plasma Injections or" blood doping" a lot of the pros are getting now,   where they take your own blood and spin it to multiple the healing properties and nutritional density of the blood and then injected into your injured areas. Your hearing guys are actually healing serious injuries doing this. 

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12 minutes ago, ninjapirate said:

when I used to work in the mountains they had wet the road one day and there were like 100 butterflies in the mud getting at the water I didn't want to drive over them. 

Yeah i don't want to go to hell either. Good move bro. 

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