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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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At the end of 4 rounds, here's where the battle is



HP/MP real time updates



White Mage: HP: 3  MP:4

Black Mage: HP: 10 MP: 1

Rogue: DEAD

Warrior: HP: 21



White Mage: HP: 6  MP: 4

Black Mage: HP: 15 MP:4

Rogue: HP 10  MP:5

Warrior: HP: 22



White Mage: HP: 4  MP: 0

Black Mage: HP: 6 MP:4

Rogue: HP 20  MP:5

Warrior: HP: 13



White Mage: HP: 15  MP:10

Black Mage: HP: 8 MP: 4

Rogue: HP 20  MP: 0   invisible R7

Warrior: HP: 17

Edited by Malfatron
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Round 5:

White mage:

flux channels

flux heals warrior

naz channels

outpost Water Wall Rogue


Black mage:

outpost cant steamblast. Channels instead

Naz fireballs flux rogue (invisible)

finn fireballs black mage naz. hits -2HP

flux inferno Black Mage naz. MISSED



Flux attacks white mage Naz. Hits -4HP

finn attacks black mage naz. Hits -4HP

naz missed flux rogue bc invisible

Outpost channels



Outpost attacks white mage Fin. Hits -3HP

naz missed Flux bc invisible

fin attacks black mage naz. Hits -3HP

flux hits rogue Naz MISS


Round 6:

White Mage

Flux channels

fin heals warrior

Naz heals rogue

outpost channels


black mage

Outpost channels

naz fireballs Flux rogue MISS

fin fireballs black mage Outpost MISS

flux channels



Flux channels

finn attacks black mage outpost. hits -4HP

naz attacks flux rouge MISSED

Outpost uses Invisibility




Outpost attacks naz white mage MISSED

Naz attacks Flux rogue. HIT. Flux's Rogue is DEAD

Fin attacks outposts black mage. HIT -3HP

flux attacks outposts rogue. MISSED

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17 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Naz fireballs flux rogue (invisible)

finn fireballs black mage naz. hits -2HP

Flux attacks white mage Naz. Hits -4HP

finn attacks black mage naz. Hits -4HP

naz missed flux rogue bc invisible

fin attacks black mage naz. Hits -3HP

naz fireballs Flux rogue MISS

Yo wtf. I change my mind. Let's go back to version 1.0.

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At the end of 6 rounds, here's where the battle is



HP/MP real time updates



White Mage: DEAD

Black Mage: HP: 10 MP: 3

Rogue: DEAD

Warrior: HP: 21



White Mage: DEAD

Black Mage: HP: 15 MP:2

Rogue: DEAD

Warrior: HP: 23



White Mage: HP: 4  MP: 0

Black Mage: HP: 6 MP:2

Rogue: HP 6  MP:5

Warrior: HP: 13



White Mage: HP: 15  MP:0

Black Mage: HP: 8 MP: 6

Rogue: HP 17  MP: 0  

Warrior: HP: 21

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round 7:

White mage:

Flux channels

Fin heals warrior

naz channels

outpost Greater Heal Self


Black mage:

Outpost channels

naz fireball Fin rogue. Hits -2HP

fin fireball naz rogue Hits -2HP

Flux channels



flux rogue Is dead

fin attacks naz rogue. Hits 4HP

naz attacks fin rogue Hits 4 HP

Outpost attacks Flux White Mage  (Flux's White mage is dead!)



Outpost attacks Finn White mage. Hit -3HP

Naz attacks Fin rogue Hit -3HP

fin  attacks naz rogue MISS

flux attacks fin warrior hit -3HP


Round 8:

White mage:

flux - dead

fin heals warrior

naz heals rogue

outpost Greater Heal Warrior


Black Mage:

outpost: Channel

naz: fireball finn rogue MISS

finn fireball  Naz rogue hits -2HP

Flux channels



Flux - dead

Finn - attacks Naz rogue HIT -4HP

naz attacks finn rogue HIT. Finns Rogue is DEAD

Outpost attacks finns white mage MISS



Outpost attacks finn White mage HIT. Finns white mage is DEAD

Naz attacks Outposts rogue. HIT -3HP

finn attacks naz rogue HIT -3HP

Flux attacks Warrior Naz MISS


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At the end of 8 rounds, here's where the battle is

We will likely have one more set of moves due after this.

I would re-randomize the order in that case.


HP/MP real time updates



White Mage: DEAD

Black Mage: HP: 10 MP: 2

Rogue: DEAD

Warrior: HP: 16



White Mage: DEAD

Black Mage: HP: 8 MP:0

Rogue: DEAD

Warrior: HP: 17



White Mage: DEAD

Black Mage: HP: 6 MP: 0

Rogue: HP 6  MP:5

Warrior: HP: 6



White Mage: HP: 15  MP:0

Black Mage: HP: 6 MP: 2

Rogue: HP 3  MP: 0  

Warrior: HP: 13.5 

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Round 9:

White mage

flux and fin dead

Naz: channel

outpost: channel


black mage:

outpost: fireball White Mage Naz MISS

naz fireball outpost rogue MISS

Finn fireball flux warrior Hit -2HP

flux Fireball Black Mage outpost hit -2HP



flux - dead

fin - dead

naz - attack outpost rogue HIT -4HP

Outpost: attack Naz White mage HIT NAZ WHITE MAGE IS DEAD



Outpost: Charge

naz attack outpost rogue HIT -3HP

fin attack flux warrior HIT -3HP

Flux attack Warrior outpost HIT -4.5HP (hit while charging)


Round 10:

white mage:

flux -D


naz - D

outpost: Heal Rogue


black mage:

outpost Steamblast . Hit naz Warrior 2HP  (randomized)

naz fireball outpost rouge Hit -2HP

fin fireball naz warrior HIt -2HP

flux inferno Black Mage Fin HIT-3HP



flux D

fin D

naz attacks outpost rouge HIT -4HP

Outpost attacks finns black mage  HIT -4HP



Outpost attacks strong attack on Finn's warrior HITS -6HP

naz attacks outposts rogue HIT -3 HP

fin attacks naz warrior Hit -3

flux attack outpost warrior HIT -3

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