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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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4 minutes ago, Adrenaline_Flux said:

Naz laid low until jury, but he started playing at that point and he played really well. It may not seem impressive that he laid low and he definitely did so while not really knowing what was going on which is definitely unimpressive, but he already said that he needed to reduce his threat level in order to have a chance this game so it was at least calculated. It isn't like it wasn't transparent either so a lot of people knew what he was doing and still let him do it. I had conversations with people about how Naz and touch both needed to go early in jury because they were capable players playing well under the radar, but Naz did win those vetoes, people did keep him safe, and the game played out to where it became beneficial for other players (like myself) to work with him in a genuine way. 

I wouldn't say I didn't know what was going on. I was privy early to a few different deals. I had small agreements with Outpost, ET, Flux, Dwight. 
Early game ET, Finn, and TLO won most of the HoHs. ET was on my side and Finn/TLO were going after BDL. I had no reason to make noise.

The first real shocker to me came when Finn nominated me and Dwight. I was talking to Mission/TLO at this time and it caught me completely off guard. I even remember messaging TLO and calling him out on this, basically telling him to wrangle in Finn. Even after this I still wanted to jump over to them but ET won and squashed the whole thing.

It may seem unimpressive from the outsider - but it simply wasn't the play yet. I know what ET had told me and I knew that something had to be done about it. But I made a habit of not throwing names out to people at this point. I didn't want to be caught targeting someone and that be relayed. That would be brutal. So until I could do something I played the cards that I had. The first real time I had power? I instantly went after this games best player at that point - ET80. He was a threat to me for multiple reasons. 1) He was good 2) Outpost admitted a deal with him 3) He would win the game and 4) I was his third priority alliance. 

You have to make the power you get in this game count - and I absolutely did.

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Just now, Outpost31 said:

Finn stuck to his guns and screwed me over.  Finn was the only one who actually stuck to what he wanted to do the whole damn game.  He played his game to perfection when nobody else could ever have done it.

I love Finn and he played a really solid game, especially up until jury, but he definitely benefited greatly from mission and TLO blowing up and saying he'd never get their votes (kudos to finn though, he admitted he played into them giving off a huge reaction). I think he lost a lot of steam down the stretch in jury. Basically everyone outside of touch was willing to work with him (ET had wanted a F4 with you, me, Finn, and him because of course he would) and Finn shot that down immediately when I mentioned it. Finn stayed true to himself, but he cost himself a lot of potential opportunities. He still made it to F2, but he said he felt like he had no allies left before pairing up with Naz when the reality was that basically everyone was trying to work with him at that point and he was actively pushing people away.

Both guys played well overall, but there are considerable holes in both games. 

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5 minutes ago, Adrenaline_Flux said:

Oh yeah, I voted Dwight out. I lied about it to you, mission, and TLO though because I was 1) afraid there would be an overreaction about it and 2) I wanted it to continue the paranoia and dissension (especially with mission and TLO) since they were already rattled by your nominations to begin with and I knew that eventually that alliance would need to be blown up since I was probably the clearcut #4. One of those moments I alluded to in where I went against what you wanted, but not really against you. 

And thanks for the genuine answers and explanations. It helps a lot. I basically wanted to know if how you were playing was part of your strategy or not and it sounds like it is (as much as it is also just for s's & g's).

yeah after that vote/lie, i kinda lost my allegiance to you honestly. it was beneficial to keep you around, but i was thinking like this guy is in other alliances that he must be prioritizing over this one. 

and yeah my random *** nom's with dwight and nazgul was a spur of the moment thing that had zero rhyme or reason other than just trying to make a storyline. but both handled it in extremely boring fashion. i also assumed they were working with ET though, who's a guy i viewed as a direct competitor the whole season. 

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I openly told people to do what was best for them because I was going to look out for me first and foremost.

Obviously, this is true. I play for me. And I had hoped saying this would build some trust. That I could make them think that I was best for their game.

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1 minute ago, Nazgul said:

I wouldn't say I didn't know what was going on. I was privy early to a few different deals. I had small agreements with Outpost, ET, Flux, Dwight. 
Early game ET, Finn, and TLO won most of the HoHs. ET was on my side and Finn/TLO were going after BDL. I had no reason to make noise.

The first real shocker to me came when Finn nominated me and Dwight. I was talking to Mission/TLO at this time and it caught me completely off guard. I even remember messaging TLO and calling him out on this, basically telling him to wrangle in Finn. Even after this I still wanted to jump over to them but ET won and squashed the whole thing.

It may seem unimpressive from the outsider - but it simply wasn't the play yet. I know what ET had told me and I knew that something had to be done about it. But I made a habit of not throwing names out to people at this point. I didn't want to be caught targeting someone and that be relayed. That would be brutal. So until I could do something I played the cards that I had. The first real time I had power? I instantly went after this games best player at that point - ET80. He was a threat to me for multiple reasons. 1) He was good 2) Outpost admitted a deal with him 3) He would win the game and 4) I was his third priority alliance. 

You have to make the power you get in this game count - and I absolutely did.

I don't recall really having any discussion until you and Dwight went up. I actually liked that Finn went rogue and did that because it gave me a reason to initiate dialogue with both of you. 

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Just now, Adrenaline_Flux said:

I don't recall really having any discussion until you and Dwight went up. I actually liked that Finn went rogue and did that because it gave me a reason to initiate dialogue with both of you. 

Yeah. I think you're right. That it was this time when we started talking. 
The game has these kind of moments though. It's take advantage of them or lose.

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7 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

Finn stuck to his guns and screwed me over.  Finn was the only one who actually stuck to what he wanted to do the whole damn game.  He played his game to perfection when nobody else could ever have done it.

i still don't believe i screwed you over, but we've dedicated 5 pages worth of PM's to this topic lol 

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2 minutes ago, FinneasGage said:

yeah after that vote/lie, i kinda lost my allegiance to you honestly. it was beneficial to keep you around, but i was thinking like this guy is in other alliances that he must be prioritizing over this one. 

and yeah my random *** nom's with dwight and nazgul was a spur of the moment thing that had zero rhyme or reason other than just trying to make a storyline. but both handled it in extremely boring fashion. i also assumed they were working with ET though, who's a guy i viewed as a direct competitor the whole season. 

I wasn't prioritizing any alliance over another, but rather single players within those alliances and trying to balance how I handled each one. Up until jury, my priorities were you, ET, and Pickle. I had connected with gopher and rack early on to have some BDL connections, but BDL was quickly put to rest. My initial want was to try to have a F4 with you, Pickle, ET, and myself but I also wanted flexibility to be able to shift guys in and out toward the end. I essentially flipped Pickle out for Naz toward the end because I wasn't sure how invested Pickle was in the game, I was going to tick off too many people if I voted to keep him in, and Naz and I were in positions to where our games genuinely benefited each other to keep each other around.

100% a mistake to not keep your allegiance with me over the Dwight vote though imo, especially if you were wanting chaos in the game. 

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5 minutes ago, FinneasGage said:

and yeah my random *** nom's with dwight and nazgul was a spur of the moment thing that had zero rhyme or reason other than just trying to make a storyline. but both handled it in extremely boring fashion. i also assumed they were working with ET though, who's a guy i viewed as a direct competitor the whole season. 

It was surprising after I was speaking with Mission/TLO. Yet it also wasn't surprising? 
I'm fully aware that people will look at Dwight and I and see a pair that needs to be broken up. 
I was mostly upset that this happened on an HoH that you won by not even submitting anything, lol.

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6 minutes ago, Nazgul said:

The first real shocker to me came when Finn nominated me and Dwight.

honestly i wasn't sober when this all occurred and i remember being annoyed with how passive/boring everyone was playing, so i passed you the ball to make noise and then you didn't, so i had to nom you on principle. 

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Just now, FinneasGage said:

honestly i wasn't sober when this all occurred and i remember being annoyed with how passive/boring everyone was playing, so i passed you the ball to make noise and then you didn't, so i had to nom you on principle. 

I found it very comical that you called me passive and boring. I was like "does Finn even know my history with this game!?"

I feel like I should very much get some credit for making my third finals here. Advancing far once is tough enough. Making it three times now shows that I can very much play a different game each time. In BB4 I was quiet and let others pick each other off. In BB6 I was very much on the battle-field taking my shots at everyone, and now here in BB8 I had to adjust again by playing a much better social game. I messaged more in this game than I had in all of my previous games combined. Even if I wasn't directly affecting who stayed and went each week - I was ensuring that I was safe. Which ultimately only one person can win, so my safety was paramount.

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8 minutes ago, Adrenaline_Flux said:

reality was that basically everyone was trying to work with him at that point and he was actively pushing people away

i pushed away people i couldn't trust. i didn't make any false allegiances. some guys reached out and i told them straight up, i'm not working with you. everyone can't be a friend, if you're going to be loyal. i know votes are going to go nazgul's way in a few cases here. i think a majority understand i played the better game though. i think i win the game unless people just wanna mess around and give it to nazgul or if they don't understand my intentions/style of playing

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I knew that I couldn't play cutthroat again. It simply wouldn't work.

So I ask the players of this game; how often did I actually lie to you? did you trust me or want to work with me at any point this game? in any of my PMs to you did I come off as anything other as on your side or helpful? I put a lot of time into properly wording my responses. To answering truthfully. And to following through when I said I was going to do something. I believe I showed extreme growth this game. And I think it's this game (and not my usual villain game that most were probably expecting) that kept me alive week after week. I went from openly mocking and berating to congratulating and cheering. That was an intentional change. I knew people would be uncomfortable around me and I needed to change that mentality.

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9 minutes ago, Adrenaline_Flux said:

100% a mistake to not keep your allegiance with me over the Dwight vote though imo, especially if you were wanting chaos in the game. 

you were one of the few i didn't directly break it with. because i wasn't certain and kinda believed you to a small extent. but i did cut ties and stopped initiating dialogue i think and just kinda left it where it was until the F3 pact

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1 minute ago, FinneasGage said:

i pushed away people i couldn't trust. i didn't make any false allegiances. some guys reached out and i told them straight up, i'm not working with you. everyone can't be a friend, if you're going to be loyal. i know votes are going to go nazgul's way in a few cases here. i think a majority understand i played the better game though. i think i win the game unless people just wanna mess around and give it to nazgul or if they don't understand my intentions/style of playing

I haven't decided who I'm voting for yet, but I 100% consider refusing to be flexible and work with people to not be good gameplay. There's a difference between not committing with someone you don't trust and actively pushing away people. I probably wouldn't weigh it so heavily if it was just a couple people, but saying that you felt that you had no allies when basically everyone was trying to work with you in a genuine manner is a red flag to me when considering who played the better game. You won more comps, had a far bigger impact on the early game, and were a bigger character... but I don't think that necessarily translates into a winner with how the end game played out. 

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