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Forum Rules Update and Warnings


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Continuing off @EaglesPeteC & @Danger 's posts in the GDT, I wanted to remind everyone what exactly the rules are that are set for the site


"The following forum rules must be followed by everyone who posts here. These rules are not up for debate or discussion. If you disagree with any of them, do not post here. If you can’t follow the rules you will be banned from posting here. 

The ban could last a few weeks or be permanent depending on the severity of your actions. If you try and circumvent the ban by registering another username you will receive an automatic permanent ban and will have your IP address banned as well. If you threaten any member, moderator, or the webmaster your ISP will be contacted and they will provide your name to the proper authorities so they can handle it. "

Forum Rules 

  1. Do not post anything abusive, obscene, racist, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. This includes references in usernames, signatures, avatars, and PMs. 
  2. Personal attacks, name calling, and threats to other members are not allowed. 
  3. Do not flame or troll. This is when you start a topic or post just to anger or incite other members.  
  4. Do not post copyrighted material. 
  5. Do not promote (SPAM) other websites in your posts, signatures, or PMs.  You may not link to other forums or chat rooms for any reason.  Do not promote personal social media profiles.  
  6. You may not discuss race, religion, politics, or sexual-orientation on these forums. This includes references in usernames, signatures, avatars, and PMs. 
  7. You are only allowed one username. Anyone caught with multiple usernames may receive a ban.  
  8. Finally, this is a business and if you are doing anything which the webmaster deems 'bad for business' you will be asked to stop. If you choose to ignore the webmaster, you'll receive a ban. 
  9. If anyone sees another member violating these rules, please send a PM to a moderator or the webmaster. Do not respond to them. Be especially careful not to respond to personal attacks, name calling, and flames. When sending the PM make sure you include the URL of the topic in question.
  10. Do not debate or discuss forum administration on the forum.  If you have questions or comments about warnings, bans, rule violations, or any other forum administration issues, you may PM a moderator.  
  11. This is a privately owned site. Membership, use and permissions on this site are at the sole discretion of the site owner. Some, any or all permissions to view and/or use this site are subject to change, for no reason and no advance notice. 




Most people know we have been historically one of the more lax forums on the site, often letting people figure little spats out on their own.
However, we've noticed the current issues have lasted longer than what usually is the case. It's clear that this is fueled by a clear division/click of posters. Namely the old group of posters and the migrant group that came over last year. Which is silly for what amounts to like twenty or so people in their late 20s, 30s and beyond.

If you read through the rules, clearly lines have been crossed when it comes to rule 2 and 3. One of the bigger issues currently is the clicky doubling down of it.

This isn't meant to target one person or group, and we aren't diving through the messy GDT to had out warnings or more.

But I'm posting this as a mod team to ask everyone to collectively knock it off and be better.

End of the day we are all fans of this same team, and they give us enough to be annoyed/pissed off at.
Don't need this added layer of crap on top of everything else.

It's making people not want to bother posting, and muddying up real discussions.
If you reflect on what you are posting and you think it might cause one of those two things to happen..maybe don't post it?
Or come up with a better way of having the discussion that aims a little higher 'than you're stupid', 'you're an ahole' or 'you're just a cheerleader/child/whatever'. End of the day we want to have interesting and fun discussions here, at least I hope we all do...

If you have questions or issues, send us a pm.
I'm Locking this because it doesn't need to be a discussion.

This is what is expected going forward.

💚Kilt, Danger and Pete

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