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  1. Who knows, if Ben Johnson or Bobby Slowik had been open for HC gigs that might have been the case. Now if both are available this offseason and Eberflus craps the bed it will be an interesting one?
  2. Pat said it best, "Ryan stop drafting linemen who play like you. You were the good that's why you're the GM and still not playing."
  3. Here's the thing that worries me... if B Johnson, or any other hotshot OC, does come to Chicago he's going to want HIS own QB, not the last guys leftovers. Then we're in the same boat as the last two qbs The Bears drafted. It be one thing if Williams is a proven commodity like Herbert, in LA, where Harbaugh knows he doesn't have to worry about developing a guy who may or may not work out in the league. Or when Tony Dungy took over The Colts in Peyton Manning's fourth or fifth year when Peyton was killing defenses and was one of the better signal callers in the game. Our only hope for CW to get good is keep him in his current regime who drafted and therefore hitched their wagons to him because they have the most interest in helping him get there. If we want to see Caleb develop then Eberflus is going to have to put a foot up in BOTH Waldron & Morgan's bum about the O-Line play and give Poles a piece of his mind for his horrid attempts and fixing the line.
  4. Ouch the way that guy's foot twisted, on that hip tackle, is the same way you would twist someone's foot on a heel hook. One of the brutalist submission holds there you can do.
  5. No lie. One of my brothers is a Colts fan and he already hatemires him. If CJ wasn't shredding his team twice a year he'd be a bigger fan, lol.
  6. OMG a Kmet sighting? What's next Bigfoot? The Lochness Monster?
  7. Bloody hail and that was a beautiful pass by Caleb. 😞
  8. Bloody hail Pollard gashed The Bears D. 😞
  9. The coaches may need to pull this new offensive freedom for Lamar by halftime.
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